Details of how humans will live in Mars, expected in 20 years

Stephen Petranek, the author of the book

Stephen Petranek, author of the book "How we will live on Mars" on How , just having a speech on stage TEDtalk proves that living on Mars is possible .

Our Earth is very vulnerable to floating objects in the galaxy, only a large size meteorite is enough to destroy the entire planet. Therefore, to survive, people need to find ways to reach out to space.

Up to this point, Mars is the planet that promises to give people the highest ability to live in the entire solar system.

First, let's talk a little about Mars.

Mars is less than half the size of Earth, but because most of the Earth's surface is covered by water, the area that we can set foot on these two planets is equal. The atmosphere on Mars is extremely thin, thinner on Earth up to 100 times. 96% of the air is CO2, people will definitely not be able to breathe.

Picture 1 of Details of how humans will live in Mars, expected in 20 years

Mars is extremely cold, the average temperature is 81 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 62.7 degrees Celsius) and the temperature of the day fluctuates in a very large range.A day on Mars is about 39 minutes longer on Earth.Years and seasons are twice as long.Mars's gravity is much lower than Earth's, only about 38%.

Picture 2 of Details of how humans will live in Mars, expected in 20 years

But this is the main problem: Mars is very far away from Earth, farther away from the Earth to the Moon 1,000 times (more than 400 million km).It takes 8 months to get a spaceship to Mars, if we start at the same time only once every 2 years, when the distance between Earth and Mars is the shortest.

There were a total of 44 space ships sent to Mars, but most of them were crushed or missing, only about a third were successful.

So when will people set foot on it?

NASA once said it was 2040, but Stephen Petranek said it would be 2027.

Elon Musk, who created so many miracles in recent times, was the reason he made this statement.

If you are interested in news, you must not be unaware of SpaceX, the extremely daring space project that has created a leap for human exploration of the universe. He revolutionized the auto industry and created a rocket company in less than 10 years determined to bring people to Mars in 2027.

But can we live there?

May. NASA has found a way for us to really live on Mars.

What basic elements do we need to live on Earth?They are food, water, shelter, and clothes.

What about on Mars? All the above elements, plus oxygen.

The first and most important factor: water source

Water is the basic ingredient that makes up all life. Bringing water from Earth to Mars is impossible, so if we want to live on Mars, we have to find a way to create water right there.

When you look at the surface of Mars, it probably feels like the planet is a giant desert, but it's not. Particularly Mars soil has 60% water.

Some of our satellites capture a lot of Mars craters covered by snow and ice. These satellites also identified a huge amount of water deep beneath Mars, even glaciers.

According to calculations, only the amount of ice at the two poles of Mars melted is enough to fill the entire planet with water.

So the amount of water on Mars is huge, but most of them exist in the form of ice or underground. Turning them into usable water requires a lot of effort, but it is fully feasible.

Picture 3 of Details of how humans will live in Mars, expected in 20 years

In the picture above is a device made at the University of Washington since 1998. This is basically a simple dehumidifier.The dehumidifier draws air back into the machine through the cooler, and the cooler will condense moisture back into water and the remaining air will be sucked out to the back of the machine.And because Martian air usually has 100% moisture, this device can help release all of the human water it needs from the atmosphere of Mars itself.

Second, we have to find a way to breathe

NASA also soon solved this problem.

Picture 4 of Details of how humans will live in Mars, expected in 20 years

This machine is called Moxie, built by a scientist at MIT named Michael Hecht.Simply put, the machine will suck the atmosphere of Mars and release oxygen.The next spaceship NASA takes to Mars by 2020 will bring this magical machine.It will produce enough oxygen for a person to live forever.

Third, what will we eat?

We will use the hydroponics method (soil-free planting techniques, just water and chemical nutrients) to create food. But we will not be able to grow more than 15-20% of the food needed here, at least until there is water flowing on the surface of Mars.

Picture 5 of Details of how humans will live in Mars, expected in 20 years

In the near future, most food will be sent from Earth in dry form.

Fourth, we need shelter

Initially one can use inflatable chambers that can adjust pressure to make accommodation.

Picture 6 of Details of how humans will live in Mars, expected in 20 years

But this is only a temporary solution because there is too much radiation from the sun and from cosmic rays.Fortunately, the soil in Mars is extremely good as a raw material to produce bricks.NASA will inject polymer plastic into these bricks and put them in the oven.Buildings with thick walls will soon be built on Mars.

Another solution is that we can live underground or Lava tubes that have a lot on Mars.

And finally clothes

Picture 7 of Details of how humans will live in Mars, expected in 20 years

Dava Newman, a scientist at MIT, created this cosmic suit.It helps prevent radiation and keeps the body warm.

So we have all the necessary elements for life on Mars, this is completely possible!

But of course human ambition has not stopped there. The next step for humans to truly master Mars is to reconstruct the planet, turning Mars into Earth. This may sound haphazard, but the truth is that the technology to do that already exists.

So how to transform an entire planet?

We have to warm up the planet.

Ultra-thin air layer is the reason why Mars temperature is always kept low. Therefore, to increase the temperature of Mars, we have to make this layer of air layer thick.

The poles of Mars are the key to solving this problem, both covered by a huge amount of frozen CO 2 (dry ice). If we find a way to increase the temperature of these two regions, causing the ice to evaporate, CO 2 will mix with the air and make the atmosphere as thick as on Earth.

Stephen Petranek also offers a method. It is to erect an extremely large solar sail (acting as a reflective mirror) to focus the energy on the southern tip of Mars. When the temperature rises, dry ice will melt and mix with the air.

When the air layer thickens, all other factors are improved. We will be better protected from radiation from the sun. The warmer atmosphere makes the flow of water on the surface of Mars, crops soon appear. And when there is more steam in the air, there will be rain on Mars and even snow. At that time, we can completely take off the universe suits and walk freely in the sun just like on Earth.

If this is done, it will take less than 20 years for the entire star to warm up

However, we still have one last problem to solve, which transforms the entire atmosphere on Mars so that people can breathe, a job that takes thousands of years. But with human intelligence and adaptability, what we achieve with future technology will be unimaginable.

Bringing people to Mars to live will be a great event in human history. But the most important thing is that it will turn humanity into a species that conquers the universe, meaning that we will survive no matter what happens to the Earth.

Update 17 December 2018



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