Discovered a 250 million year fossil forest in Antarctica

In early 2015, during a survey of the Allan Hills area in Antarctica, scientists from the University of Sienna, Italy discovered a previously unknown fossil forest.

In early 2015, during a survey of the Allan Hills area in Antarctica, scientists from the University of Sienna, Italy discovered a previously unknown fossil forest.

>>>100 million year old fossil forest

A source from ANSA news agency said that during a survey of the National Antarctic research program, four Italian scientists found in the study area a lot of burnt and fossilized trees, initially determined dating back to the Triassic period, about 250 million years ago.

Picture 1 of Discovered a 250 million year fossil forest in Antarctica

Italian scientists in Antarctica.(Source: ANSA)

The remaining traces show that this ancient forest area has experienced a great fire in the past. This has raised questions and interesting hypotheses for researchers.

Franco Talarico, a member of the research team, informed from the scene that there are many trace deposits of coal over a large area, but arranged in a certain order; These seem to be burnt trees and fossils.

Since then, the research team has hypothesized that a huge fire burned a large area of ​​trias century forest.

However, the cause of the fire from the Triassic period is still a mystery, though it may be due to lava erupting after gaps in geology or the impact of giant meteorite falling on earth.

So far, scientists around the world are very interested in geological studies in the Allan Hills area of ​​Antarctica, where a meteorite originated from a volcanic eruption on the Star Fire from 4 billion years ago fell.

Update 17 December 2018



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