Discovering extremely rare monkeys

Cross River gorillas are extremely shy species. Just a glimpse of the shadow of them will immediately disappear so the researchers are very lacking in information about this species. Therefore, the above video is considered to be the rarest images of this species in the natural environment. 'One can study this animal

Camera traps in a Cameroonian forest have captured the image of a Cross River gorilla, one of the most elusive species on Earth, in its natural habitat.

>>>Video: Discovering extremely rare monkeys

The video has just been uploaded on Youtube by the Wildlife Conservation Association to capture images of eight Cross River individuals in a border forest between Nigeria and Cameroon.

Picture 1 of Discovering extremely rare monkeys

Gorilla Cross River

Cross River gorillas are extremely shy species. Just a glimpse of the shadow they will run away immediately so the researchers are very lacking in information about this species. Therefore, the above video is considered to be the rarest images of this species in the natural environment.'A person can study this animal for years but may never have a chance to see it,' said Christopher Jameson, Project Manager Takamanda Mone Landscape.

Cross River, a subspecies of western gorillas, is the most endangered species in African apes, due to being hunted for meat and increasingly narrow habitats. According to calculations, there are only 250 to 300 individuals in the world.

In 2008, the Cameroonian government built Takamanda National Park in hopes of saving Cross River from the risk of complete disappearance.

Update 16 December 2018



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