Driving in the evening is the most dangerous
Scientists of Madrid and Spain City Council put sensors along a highway called M30 (each sensor is 500m apart) around Madrid to collect traffic data such as vehicle density. , the average speed of vehicles, vehicle time stopped at one location. Then they use an algorithm to analyze traffic patterns of vehicles, Discovery News
Operators of motorized vehicles should be highly alert when participating in traffic during the period from 18h to 20h daily.
18h to 20h is the most dangerous time for the driver.
Scientists of Madrid and Spain City Council put sensors along a highway called M30 (each sensor is 500m apart) around Madrid to collect traffic data such as vehicle density. , the average speed of vehicles, vehicle time stopped at one location. They then used an algorithm to analyze the traffic patterns of vehicles, Discovery News reported.
Analysis results show that vehicles often travel on highways at nearly the same speed even when they are located far from other vehicles. But in the period from 18h to 20h, the number of speeding and stopping times of vehicles increases sharply, making the control of vehicles become more difficult. After comparing with statistical data on traffic accidents, the team found that from 18h to 20h is the time when accidents are most likely to occur.
The research team said that the number of motor vehicles involved in traffic during peak periods is much larger than other times of the day. When vehicles around you move at different speeds, you will have less time to react so the risk of accidents will increase.
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