Eat lots of sweets, children are less intelligent

Children under 3 years of age eating lots of fast foods like chips, snacks, biscuits, pizzas, etc. may be less intelligent when they grow up than other children of the same age, according to a new study. father of British scientists.

Picture 1 of Eat lots of sweets, children are less intelligent
To help children develop their brain the best in the first 3 years of life, parents
children should be limited to eating frozen foods and fast food.

Scientists at the University of Bristol (UK) conducted a study of 14,000 children born in the 1990s. Parents of these children were asked to answer questions about their children's diet. The ages 3, 4, 7 and 8. The diet is divided into 3 categories, including: high fat and sugar diets, a balanced diet between meat and vegetables and a high-fruit diet. vegetables.

After that, the research team conducted a IQ test for children when they were 8 years old. The results showed that 20% of children who ate high fat and sugar during the period under 3 years had an average IQ score of 5 points lower than the group of children eating in moderation according to a reasonable diet.

' Children ' s brains grow fastest in the first 3 years of life and a good diet during this period will help your baby 's brain grow to its fullest. After this period, the child's brain begins to slow down, so the diet does not affect much to the child's brain , 'said Dr. Pauline Emmett, a member of the research team. .

The team also said other factors could also affect children's intelligence, such as the parents' social status, breastfeeding time, the way children care for children, and the indoor environment reserved for young in the first 3 years of life, .

To help children develop their brains best in the first 3 years of life, scientists recommend that parents should feed their children according to their family's daily diet, plenty of fresh and limited foods for children. Eat frozen foods and fast food.