Eating too much cholesterol can damage the brain

There are good reasons to cut cholesterol in your diet. One of these reasons is that cholesterol can affect the functioning of the central nervous system.

Picture 1 of Eating too much cholesterol can damage the brain
Experts recommend avoiding chicken egg yolk to maintain good cholesterol levels.

The latest study in the UK - published Nov. 24 - shows that the diet contains high levels of fat and cholesterol that are closely related to brain damage.

Because the amount of fat accumulates in the vascular wall, diets that contain cholesterol that can limit oxygen to the long-term, will damage neurons.

British scientists have studied the link between high cholesterol meals and brain damage in Alzheimer 's disease .

This result was published in Lice Molecular Cellular Neuroscience.

Earlier this month, Canadian scientists found that a meal containing nuts, avocados and olive oil could reduce harmful low-density cholesterol (LDL-C) by 35% and increase billion cholesterol. High weight gain (HDL-C) up to 12%.

Therefore, people need to pay attention to what kind of meals they have. Some contain harmful cholesterol such as beef, cheese, egg yolk, pork, poultry and shrimp.

David Jenkins of the University of Toronto and St. Hospital Michael in Ontario (Canada) advises people to supplement their meals with nuts, avocados, and sunflower or olive oil while reducing high carbohydrate foods like white bread and biscuits to reduce LDL- C.

Other important factors include many plants with cholesterol content (every 10 grams for 1,000 calories) from barley, almonds, eggplant and okra.