Experts were stunned by the test results of the 'immortality' drug found in an ancient tomb

Immortal pills or elixirs of life often appear in classic Chinese literary works, but did they really appear in ancient Chinese society?

Immortal pills or elixirs of life often appear in classic Chinese literary works, but did they really appear in ancient Chinese society?

During many ancient dynasties, many people tried to pursue immortality . This is vividly reflected in Journey to the West, all kinds of monsters were constantly chasing Tang Monk, they all wanted to eat a piece of Tang Monk's meat to gain immortality and eternal youth. In addition to novels, ancient kings also spared no effort in sending people to find the elixir of immortality.

But the reality is that all the miracle drugs with longevity effects that were prepared at that time all contained a large amount of heavy metals . Once heavy metals enter the human body, they are very difficult to eliminate. This heavy metal accumulates in the human body over many years, which can cause great damage to the human body, and can even lead to death. Accordingly, many emperors in history have died from the toxicity of this heavy metal.

However, there is a paradox: the more emperors pursued immortality, the more they built large tombs for themselves and would bury some of the items they used in life below . Through many such dynasties, although no emperor has ever found the way to immortality, they still firmly believe that there is an elixir of life in this world.

Picture 1 of Experts were stunned by the test results of the 'immortality' drug found in an ancient tomb

The more emperors pursued immortality, the more they built grand mausoleums. (Illustration).

The desire for immortality has always motivated people, especially emperors in ancient Chinese history. They have spent a lot of effort and resources to find or create the so-called "elixir of life". However, these are all just myths and there is no scientific evidence to prove the existence of this drug.

With the improvement of archaeological technology, people have unearthed various objects used by ancient people from many underground tombs. A few years ago, archaeological experts discovered many cultural relics in an ancient tomb, and among them they unearthed something extremely shocking, the 'elixir of immortality'.

It can be seen that the scale of this ancient tomb is very large, the owner of the tomb has a high status, so the excavated objects will be very valuable. The epitaph introduces the owner of the tomb as an unmarried forty-year-old woman. Through excavation, it can be seen that this woman spent her whole life refining the elixir of immortality.

Picture 2 of Experts were stunned by the test results of the 'immortality' drug found in an ancient tomb

In fact, the elixir contains a large amount of heavy metals such as cinnabar, lead and mercury.

Ancient people did not have enough knowledge about biology and medicine to explain aging and death. Therefore, they believe in mystical and miraculous things such as elixir of life. Death is mysterious and scary to people, so they always look for ways to avoid it. Nowadays, people have a more scientific view on the issue of immortality. We understand that human lifespan is limited by natural laws and there is no magic medicine that can help people live forever. However, medical science is constantly developing with the goal of improving the quality of life and extending human lifespan safely and effectively.

Experts tested these elixirs of immortality and found that these elixirs contained large amounts of heavy metals such as cinnabar, lead, and mercury. Long-term use of these famous heavy metals not only has no benefit but can also cause great harm, even life-threatening.

In history, the reason why Emperor Ung Chinh suddenly died was, in addition to wasting energy while handling political work, another important reason was because he drank a lot of elixirs containing gold. heavy type. Therefore, immortality does not exist, at least for now. Only by paying attention to our health and exercising regularly can we truly prolong our lives.

Some popular methods of making immortality elixirs in ancient China:

1. Use herbs

Many rare herbs are believed to have the ability to live forever, for example:

Lingzhi mushroom: This mushroom is known as the "miracle drug" and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove the immortality effect of Ganoderma lucidum.

Ginseng: This rare plant is said to have the ability to enhance health and prolong life. However, scientific research on the effects of ginseng is still limited.

Jelly: This seed is used as an eye tonic and is said to have the ability to live forever. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove this effect.

2. Use minerals

Some minerals are believed to have the ability to immortalize, for example:

Gold: This precious metal is considered a symbol of longevity and is used to make elixirs. However, gold does not have any biological effects and its consumption can cause poisoning.

Mercury: This toxic metal is used in many ancient elixirs. However, mercury causes many harmful health effects, including brain, kidney and lung damage.

Cinnabar: This red mineral is used to make dyes and is also believed to have immortality. However, cinnabar contains mercury and is therefore also toxic.

3. Pill practice

Alchemy is an alchemy that creates elixirs of immortality and other magical medicines. Alchemists often use ingredients such as herbs, minerals and even animal corpses to prepare medicine. However, alchemy is based on false scientific principles and cannot create the elixir of immortality.

Update 26 May 2024



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