Fish also have the ability to remember

Scientists have long believed that fish's brain can only store information for a few seconds. But one test proved that they can remember up to 5 months.

Scientists have long believed that fish's brain can only store information for a few seconds. But one test proved that they can remember up to 5 months.

Scientists at the Technion Institute of Technology (Israel) captured some fry to understand their memory. Every time they feed the fish, they play a sound through the loudspeaker. After a while, the fish became familiar with that sound. Whenever they heard it, they floated to the surface and waited for food.

After a month of living in captivity, fish are dropped into a large cage under the sea. In the next 5 months, the fish will not hear the sound signaling food anymore and they enter the stage of adulthood. But when the team played back the sound signaling the meal, they still surfaced and waited.

This finding is of great significance for the fisheries industry. One can train fry to float on the water when there is sound, then drop them into the river or sea so they live in nature. When the fish are big, people can use sound to catch them. With this method, the cost of captivity, food and labor of fish farms will be significantly reduced. Environmental pollution caused by fish farms also decreased.

Picture 1 of Fish also have the ability to remember


Many previous studies have shown that goldfish have the ability to remember and learn. They are even smarter than salmon. Scientists at the University of St Andrews (Scotland) found carp had the same intelligence as a mouse.

Dr. Mike Webster, head of the research team at Technion Technical Institute, said: " Many people always think that fish only keeps information for a short period of time. It is a misconception. copy, sticklebacks and some other smart fish are as good as birds and mammals, they can learn how to escape the maze, recognize members in the herd, fish also know how to find those with many advantages. to be their leader ".

A study by Plymouth University scientists showed that goldfish have the ability to recognize time. They are trained to push a lever when they want to get food. However, the team only put food at a fixed time of the day. After many days the fish catches the rules. Instead of constantly pushing, they only perform that behavior at the right time with food. When it was only a few minutes to " G hour ", they just swam around near the need. This shows the fishes know about the time to eat.

Update 17 December 2018



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