Food and disease prevention notes on Tet holiday

During the holiday break, you should eat less acidic foods. If you eat a lot, it will cause an imbalance in alkalinity and acidity in your body, creating opportunities for diseases to develop and disturb.

Limit acid foods

Picture 1 of Food and disease prevention notes on Tet holiday

According to nutrition experts, diseases such as blood fat, high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood adhesion, liver fat, low numbness . are all related to physical acidity.

In an acidic environment, blood fluid cannot be subtracted, eliminating 'residues', long time will create malignant circulation. The 'scum' is acidic in addition to the weak vessel wall, which can cause arteriosclerosis.

Acidic 'scum' accumulates in the liver and will easily lead to fat in the liver. The acidic body also breaks down the normal function of cell growth, resistance reduction, and loose bones.

Pay attention to improving eating habits, eat more alkaline foods, eat less acidic foods. Foods rich in calcium, magnesium, and potassium are all alkaline. Examples include green vegetables (squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, eggplant, spinach, sweet potatoes), fruits (apples, pears, bananas, peaches, mulberry, pink, grapes .) , beans and products from beans, seaweed, milk, mushrooms, tea, coffee . In contrast, fish, meat, poultry, eggs, grease . are acidic foods. Therefore, New Year should be limited to eating the best.

In addition, during Tet holidays prepare dishes at home, you should limit eating fried food. If stir-fry, it is advisable to turn on the heat and stir quickly, foods that are suitable for eating fresh and cold should not be cooked, limit salt intake (because nitrous-salt in the salt contains a substance that causes cancer ), should eat a lot of legumes from beans.

The more attention is given, the more plentiful the New Year's day, the more salt-containing food. Each person can only eat 6g salt at most, ie a small spoonful.

The dietitian recommends, whether it be a weekday or a New Year day, we need more than 250g of food a day, 400g-500g of green vegetables, 200g-300g of fruit, and a certain amount of milk and beans are needed, but Daily meat and fish only need about 100g to meet the nutritional needs, daily fat needs about 25g.

Eat well to avoid bloating and indigestion.

Tradition and habit of toasting are very precious but should not be abused. Because drinking too much alcohol will make 'happy over sadness'.

Preventing diseases on Tet

Cerebral vascular accident: During the Tet holiday, fatigue and agitation cause easy hemorrhage with a continuous headache, drooling, sometimes numbness on one side of the face.

In this case, you should remove the patient's clothes, tie, and immediately give the patient medication, and should not move the patient, do not let the person with headaches too high, preferably lying Without a pillow, fighting on one side, using a cold towel or a cold pack on the patient's forehead to reduce bleeding and lowering blood pressure, then immediately take it to the hospital.

Heart disease: On New Year's Eve, playing, smoking, drinking too much alcohol can increase the burden on the heart. In addition, too excited, agitated will make the heartbeat fast, causing cardiac arrhythmias, heart pain or congestion, even causing sudden death.

When sick, blood pressure will drop, mouth hard. At this time should not move the patient, if a history of heart disease should immediately take medicine, take to the hospital, and can see the situation using the hand to press the chest area of ​​the patient.

Acute pancreatitis: During Tet holidays, eating a lot of food and drink is the main cause of acute pancreatitis. Eating too much food containing protein, high fat, and drinking alcohol all make the pancreas swell, causing acute pancreatitis. Because the location of the disease is not correct, the patients after eating rice for about 1-2 hours, appear continuous and intense abdominal pain, and have nausea, oe.

When acute pancreatitis develops, you should completely stop eating, not give anything to your mouth and immediately go to the hospital.

Victims of alcohol poisoning: During Tet holidays, relatives and friends visit you and vice versa, you are not limited and do not stop drinking alcohol, easily lead me to poison. The poisoner because of alcohol manifests vomiting, unclear words, clumsy movements, pale face, pale mouth, hypothermia and entering the period of sleeplessness, unconsciousness.

At this time, you should not use your hand to throat to vomit because this will cause the pressure in the abdomen to rise, causing the food in the intestine to flow backwards, leading to acute pancreatitis.

Strange things in the throat: In the New Year days, children run, dance, play, laugh and say that eating food will be easily blocked in the windpipe, adults eating and talking will be prone to fish bones, broken bones or something strange.

When children get stuck with food and foreign objects in the windpipe, first do not let them cry, then hug them to the baby head down, the upper half of the child must be lower than the buttock, then slap your back with your hand, help turn out the strange object. If the foreign object still can't get out, immediately take the child to the hospital. If you have fish bones, chicken bones in the esophagus, you should immediately stop eating. If bones are visible, use clean tweezers and remove them. If the location is quite deep, you should immediately go to the hospital for treatment.

Diabetes: In Tet days, eating too much high-fat foods, people with diabetes are easily elevated in blood sugar, some patients do not take the medicine on time, if they forget to take medicine have nausea

During Tet holidays, you should control the amount of food and alcohol. In addition, it should not be fun in the Tet days but change the amount of medicine on your own, the wrong dose is easy to cause low blood sugar. If you forget to take your drink and develop vomiting and discomfort, you should go to the hospital to check it in time.