Foods that should and should not be used before flying

For a comfortable flight, providing enough energy for the body is necessary, but not all foods are suitable.

Having to wait before flights always makes it easy to break the usual rules of eating and drinking which are good for health. Therefore, to have a comfortable flight it is necessary to provide adequate energy for the body. However, not all foods or foods can be arbitrarily loaded at the time before flying. And here are a few foods that should and should not be eaten before flying in the experience of many sharing experts.


Bring some snacks

Dried fruits or cereals, cookies, nuts . are healthy dry foods that are passed through security doors that you can take with you on every flight without worrying about side effects. . As always, fresh fruits and vegetables are also a beneficial dish for the immune system and health while traveling.

Picture 1 of Foods that should and should not be used before flying
Good yogurt when you prepare for a flight.


Yogurt is a very healthy food, rich in protein, colds and helps balance the body, especially good for the digestive system, reducing flatulence, heartburn. Before boarding the plane, do not forget to eat a small cup of yogurt with a little fruit and moderate weight and benefit.


A low sugar smoothie will provide enough water and provide plenty of vitamins for the body, making you feel comfortable and comfortable, ready for a long flight.

Food rich in protein

You should not wear an empty stomach on an airplane but you should not overeat the foods that cause bloating. So, eat foods with protein, low fat such as salmon, chicken breast, boiled eggs .

Salad and other fresh foods

Salad is not only delicious but also has great effects on the body such as reducing blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke and is very beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

Drink water often

Water is the most important drink you should use on an airplane. Your skin will easily dry out so you need to moisturize your skin before starting your flight. Water will keep your body storing a lot of water and help your body adapt to moving at a particular height when flying.

Should not


Fast food is convenient and popular in many places, so for busy people before making a flight, this is always the perfect choice. However, this is much more harmful than you think. Fast food is often high in fat and fat. After eating well, boarding your plane, your body will feel uncomfortable when metabolizing fat under changing pressure conditions. Worse, you may have heartburn and even abdominal pain.

Picture 2 of Foods that should and should not be used before flying
Limit the use of stimulants before boarding a plane.

Drinks contain stimulants

Soda, wine or coffee are drinks you should not use before each flight because they will cause you to burp constantly due to pressure changes when you climb.

Candies use sweeteners

Sugarless foods often contain sweeteners. The problem is that these artificial sweeteners can produce gases that make the stomach bloated, bloating or laxative. Going to the toilet regularly on the flight will definitely cause you inconvenience.