Gastroenteritis: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Gastroenteritis is a common disease, but knowledge is extremely limited. Let's find out about this disease through the article below.

Gastroenteritis is a common disease, but knowledge is extremely limited. Let's find out about this disease through the article below.

Gastroenteritis and what to know

  • Learn about gastroenteritis
  • Symptoms of gastric cavity inflammation
    • Undigested
    • Nausea
    • Loss of appetite
    • Changes in stool
  • The cause of gastroenteritis
    • Medicine
    • Ingestion of foreign substances and toxic substances
    • Surgery and health conditions
    • Stress
  • Treatment of gastric cavity inflammation
    • See a specialist
    • Change living habits
  • Food for people with gastroenteritis

Learn about gastroenteritis

What is gastritis hangitis? The gastric cavity is the part located near the rear end of the pylorus. Accordingly, the stomach is considered to be the largest bulging digestive organ between the esophagus and small intestine and the stomach's stomach lining is located at the end of the stomach behind the pylorus.

Gastroenteritis is a condition in which the lining of the stomach lining becomes inflamed, just like inflammation in other parts of the stomach (depending on the different places of inflammation and ulcers of the stomach that have different names). However, antralitis is not as simple as many people think.

Picture 1 of Gastroenteritis: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Gastroenteritis is a serious disease.

Symptoms of gastric cavity inflammation


Of all the symptoms of gastritis, one of the most common is indigestion. As inflammation develops in the gastric cavity, the process of digestion and the passage of food into the intestines will be affected, which can lead to a burning, burning sensation that occurs with indigestion. occurs in the upper abdomen.


This is a common symptom associated with indigestion. When any inflammation occurs in the lining of the stomach, the body's reaction is to cause nausea even though there may be no food in the stomach. Nausea varies from mild to severe and can cause vomiting in some people.

Loss of appetite

With the duration and condition of the disease, you will begin to lose appetite. In rare cases, traces of blood will be present while vomiting.

Because inflammation occurs only in the lower part of the stomach, processes that enter the intestines can be greatly affected. This can lead to partially undigested food, as part of the digestive tract. This undigested food can ferment and release gas, causing bloating and bloating. Inflammation can also cause excess gas in the stomach, causing belching.

Besides the discomfort from bloating and excess gas in the stomach, you will experience discomfort in the gastric cavity. This sensation occurs during the entire period of a meal and is described as a very uncomfortable feeling of fullness, even though you don't finish the meal.

Picture 2 of Gastroenteritis: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Loss of appetite is one of the leading symptoms of this disease.

Changes in stool

One of the symptoms of gastritis is stool changes. Although these symptoms are not as common as other symptoms, they still appear depending on the condition. With this symptom, you may notice that your stool is dark, like tar. This indicates that there is a bleeding site in the digestive tract and should see a doctor immediately.

The cause of gastroenteritis


Some medications that can cause gastritis include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (naproxen or ibuprofen), steroids, potassium supplements, iron tablets, and chemotherapy drugs for cancer.

Ingestion of foreign substances and toxic substances

Gastritis can also be caused by swallowing foreign objects or toxins such as corrosive substances (lye and acids), alcohols and foreign objects such as pins or paper clips.

Surgery and health conditions

Some surgical conditions and health conditions that can cause gastritis include physical stress in people who are seriously ill or injured and after medical procedures such as laparoscopy, a method the doctor looks at the stomach. thick with a soi.

It can also be caused after an intervention to the part of the stomach, after radiation treatment for cancer, autoimmune diseases, pernicious anemia and chronic vomiting. . Some infections that can cause gastritis include TB, syphilis, infections, fungal infections, and parasites. The most common infection is with H pylori. Other types of bacteria, including those that cause bladder infection or pneumonia, can cause gastritis.


One of the causes contributing to gastritis is the stress that disturbs the natural biological speed, nutritional conditions such as nutritional imbalance, no regular nutritional supplements, poor food intake. intake, drinking lots of hard alcohol, smoking, abusing foods that contain emulsifiers in products and preservatives. For pregnant women with this disease, the disease is made worse in 75% of patients.

Treatment of gastric cavity inflammation

See a specialist

If your doctor suspects that you may have this condition, a physical test will be performed. Your doctor will also ask you about your medical history and some tests will also be recommended such as a blood test. In addition, the doctor may perform a biopsy by removing a small sample from the stomach and conducting a test to determine the cause of the condition and take appropriate treatment.

Change living habits

According to the experience of treating gastric gastric ulcer of many experts, changing some habits will help a lot for your health:

  • Split meals, eat regularly;
  • Avoid irritating foods, especially spicy, sour, fried or fatty foods;
  • Avoid drinking alcohol;
  • Consider changing pain medication;
  • Manage stress by practicing yoga or meditation.

Food for people with gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis should eat? Here are some foods specifically for people with this disease:

  • Foods high in protein but low in fat : These foods have the ability to envelop the stomach lining. There is also a function to heal the lesions in the stomach. You can find them in foods like fish, lean meat, milk and dairy products, etc.
  • Foods rich in fiber and vitamins: These foods will support high disease treatment. Such as asparagus, mustard greens, cabbage, .

Green vegetables contain a lot of fiber and essential vitamins, good for the digestive system.

  • Foods rich in flavonoids: Have the ability to treat and prevent inflammation of the stomach effectively. These include apples, blueberries, cherries, etc.
  • Easy-to-digest food groups: Helps limit stomach activity which includes porridge, soups, etc.
  • Food group reduces stomach acid secretion: It acts like a sponge to help absorb excess acid in the stomach. So protect the stomach from ulcers. Suggestions for foods like flour, rice flour, biscuits, sugar, honey, etc.
Update 17 October 2019



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