Here's how humans live on Mars: Growing vegetables in a cellar and ... chewing on live insects

It sounds terrible, but this finding has brought the intention to human settlement of Mars a big step forward.

There are many issues that need to be addressed regarding the ambition to send humans to settle on Mars. Accommodation, drinking water, grounds, oxygen filters, all must be calculated carefully. Because, the first people to Mars will have to determine that will never return.

While things are still being studied and resolved slowly, recently the ambition to "invade" Mars has taken a big step forward. The reason is because scientists have devised a strategy that is considered "perfect" for humans to exist on the Red planet.

Picture 1 of Here's how humans live on Mars: Growing vegetables in a cellar and ... chewing on live insects

Scientists have found a way for humans to survive on the Red Planet.

Specifically, experts from the University of Florida (Orlando) embrace SpaceX's billionaire colony of 1 million Martians - Elon Musk, and come up with a more detailed plan. According to Keith Cannon, co-author of the study, energy, water and oxygen can be easily solved, but food is not.

"Food is probably the most difficult thing to solve. You cannot simply move things up from the Earth, but you have to have a self-operating system there," he said.

And the solution given will be insects ! Scientists plan to build artificial meat processing places on Mars, but before that, the main source of food would be insects , more specifically crickets.

Picture 2 of Here's how humans live on Mars: Growing vegetables in a cellar and ... chewing on live insects

"Insects will make everything easier, if everyone will eat them."

The construction of an insect farm on Mars is arguably the most efficient way to utilize energy and resources. The amount of water to use will be very small, while the energy supply is immense.

Solar energy, ice and CO2 are all present on the Red planet. Scientists believe they will address three important factors: energy, water and oxygen for humans.

Vegetables and fruits will be grown in tunnels, with artificial light provided. Later, artificial meat and milk factories will also be established.

  • Is it easy for Earthlings to have sex with people on Mars?
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Update 26 September 2019



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