How does a smartphone ruin a child?

Smart phones, tablets make children slow to communicate, move, be prone to obesity and greatly affect their success later.

Smart phones, tablets make children slow to communicate, move, be prone to obesity and greatly affect their success later.

How smartphones destroy a child

According to current statistics, 7 out of 10 parents give their children a tablet or technology device. A study by the University of Lowa found that 90% of 2-year-old children knew how to use tablets.

"We have seen many 2-year-olds who have played tablets, while many 3-4 years old have become addicted," said Dr. Fran Walfish, a child and family psychotherapist in Los Angeles (USA). ) to speak. And according to experts, there are many bad impacts from this situation:

1. Distort relationships with parents

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Between the ages of 0 and 2, the child's brain will grow 3 times in size. Words, the contact between parents and children, even the process of playing with children, not only helps the baby's brain develop but also enhances emotional attachment.

But for children who spend too much time interacting with the phone screen, the tablet is different."The child's neurological link changes and is another factor," said Denise Daniels, a pediatric nurse. "It affects concentration, self-esteem , in many cases they create walls separating children from their parents."

2. Addictive

"One of the great things that technology brings is that there's always something new for you to do, play and that's almost limitless," said Dr. Gary Small, a professor of psychiatry. "For that reason, it's very hard to give up and stop using."

Smart phones and tablets allow a child to get whatever they want with just the buttons. It does not teach them to regulate, control conflict or how to challenge yourself, and these are the characteristics of an addictive personality.

3. Ease of rage

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If someone has symptoms of addiction, they will have a rash if your friend takes their belongings and will cause a feeling of separation - at any age.

However, it is not a good idea to bring a smartphone or tablet to comfort them when they are having anger."If these devices become the primary way to soothe and distract children, they may develop self-regulation mechanisms, making them more difficult to understand, " said Dr Jenny Radesky. .

4. Affects sleep

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Using smartphones, tablets or electronic reading devices before going to bed will make it difficult for children to fall asleep.The light emitted from the screen inhibits hormones that cause drowsiness and changes the body's natural sleep-wake cycle.

A study by Boston University found that 60% of UK parents do not monitor their children's technology use, 75% are allowed to use technology in their bedrooms. Because of this, 75% of children aged 9 to 10 lack sleep and make school scores go down.

5. Affecting the ability to learn

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According to one study, smart phones are really harmful to children's ability to learn because they distract children from attention."These devices also affect the development of movement senses and fine motor skills (holding, grasping objects), affecting the ability to study math and science," said Dr. Jenny Radesky, Clinical faculty of Pediatrics at Boston University said.

Videos and online games also limit their creative and budding imagination, slowing down the development of movement and visual senses.

6. Limit communication ability

When talking to a person, you can see the expressions on their faces, like pain, joy, and concerns. When you speak badly about someone behind your back and when you see their faces, you may have to think and feel remorseful.

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But if you talk online, you can't recognize the sounds, body language, facial expressions and even hormones emitted during face-to-face communication.

"These are all the basic elements to establishing relationships between people. And they're all missing with modern technology," psychologist Lim Taylor said. "Children are spending too much time communicating through technology, they don't develop the basic communication skills people have used for a long time. Communication is not just words."

7. Increases the likelihood of mental illness

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When playing smart technology devices, children's emotions are easily separated, there are many children who are cyberbulled (the term refers to the state of internet violence) . In addition, online images and forums can make an older child or adolescent feel uncomfortable about his growing body.

According to experts, too much time on smartphones or tablets is a factor that increases depression , anxiety, sticky reaction disorders, attention deficit disorders, mental disorders, and children's behavior. problem.

8. May lead to obesity

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If a child is addicted, they don't move.Limited physical activity will cause weight gain. According to one study, children who use a technology device in the bedroom will increase the likelihood of obesity by 30%, then become more prone to diabetes, have a higher risk of stroke and heart attack.

Some experts even believe that 21st century children may be the first generation to not outlive their parents due to obesity and using high-tech devices.

9. More aggressive children

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When using technology devices, children do not learn empathy. They feel more comfortable when online and feel normal when there is violence against other children.

Violent videos and information also adversely affect children, which may make them less sensitive to violence. Although they cause violence to other children, they still find it normal and the consequences of this are very dangerous.

10. It increases social anxiety

Children should be exposed and communicate more in language and gestures than using digital devices such as phones and computers. Because when using these devices children will be limited in their ability to communicate, live a simple, brief, rather simple and boring life.

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At first it seems that children will react negatively but you must insist that they put down the phone to contact people, with children of their age. In doing so, children will recognize and understand people's emotions, feelings, body language gestures, learn to empathize and feel comfortable, get along with people around them more.

Cultivating social skills is imperative for the overall success of a child. If they are worried about interacting with others, it can reduce their capacity and future success.

Update 15 December 2018



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