Human ancestors have tentacles?

The common ancestor of all human beings can own tentacles, according to the latest research by a Russian scientist.

The common ancestor of all human beings can own tentacles, according to the latest research by a Russian scientist.

The common ancestor of all human beings can own tentacles

Dr. Elena Temereva from the Department of Biology at Lomonosov Moscow University (Russia) discovered that creatures living in the sea from 541-635 million years ago , common ancestors of humans and other animals, many ability to develop flexible appendages and a complex nervous system.

Picture 1 of Human ancestors have tentacles?

According to Dr. Temereva's research, both humans and "living fossils" Lingula anatina evolved from a common ancestor with tentacles.(Artwork: Daily Mail)

Today , people and many other organisms possess a symmetrical body on both sides : we have the head - the end as well as the left - to be clearly separated. However, our ancient ancestors, existed hundreds of millions of years ago. Many of these organisms are thought to be worms, swimming in the oceans or walking on the seabed.

How we evolved into symmetrical organisms on both sides and what we evolved from, was a controversial topic. One theory is that our symmetrical ancestors are a worm with no appendages and only a simple nervous system.

Dr. Temereva's research supports another hypothesis. According to Ms. Temereva, our ancestors had ancestors or monks, used to move and collect food. These primitive creatures also possess a complex nervous system.

To draw this conclusion, Dr. Temereva studied Lingula anatina, an ancient hand-rolled animal, discovered around the world.Lingula is one of the oldest hand-rolled animal survivors to this day , appearing on Earth from the early Paleozoic period 500 million years ago.

For this reason and also because the species are almost unchanged with geological time, they are often considered a "living fossil " of creatures from the distant past.

" Because of the fact that the two main groups of body symmetry animals have tentacles, it is completely logical to recognize that their common ancestors also possess this characteristic. It is synonymous with the common ancestor of the animals. live wire animals, such as mammals, including humans, fish and birds all have tentacles , " stressed Ms. Temereva.

Ms. Temereva's research results have been published in Plos One magazine. This work is expected to help categorize many animals more accurately.

Update 17 December 2018



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