Insecticides: The faster the killing, the more harmful it is

Health experts warn of the use of insecticides that can cause poisoning; especially using poor quality floating products. Consumers should choose to buy

Health experts warn of the use of insecticides that can cause poisoning; especially using poor quality floating products. Consumers should choose to buy products from reputable businesses and only use them when necessary.

According to an address of termite killers, mosquitoes sent via spam (spam), we found limited company in Tran Khat Chan (Hanoi). The representative of this company said that in order to kill termites, the company will let people come to survey houses and place drugs. Depending on the area of ​​the house, the lowest price is VND 500,000 for a one-time kill.

' We do not sell drugs but often do insecticide services at home. This is the chemical we buy from Singapore, England, Italy '- Mr. Q., representative of HD Company.

Picture 1 of Insecticides: The faster the killing, the more harmful it is

A Chinese mosquito repellent (Photo: TienPhong)

Retail price of medicine is 25,000 VND / bottle for terminating and 45,000 VND / liter for mosquito killer chemicals. Company-prepared chemicals, including two types of odorless and aromatic ' pungent flowers of chrysanthemum '.

Mr. Q. affirmed that the drug is not harmful to people and the environment. In addition, ' after 3 - 6 months, it is necessary to spray the second time. This drug binds on objects, not dissolving right into the air like other normal types. Thus, several months later, insects like cockroaches, mosquitoes clinging to these objects are still destroyed '- Mr. Q. affirmed.

Many insecticidal products, especially mosquito repellent, are sold on the market, with two main types of incense and spray. There are also other forms like ice cream, powder, chalk. The two most popular products, almost sold in all grocery stores, are Mosfly and Raid, the price is small at VND 19,000 and the bottle is VND 31,000.

These are two products that have been recognized by the Ministry of Health for safety. Besides Chinese sprayers, the price is only half that. For example, the spray bottle named Tongdaling costs only 15,000 VND with the average size of 31,000 VND of Mosfly.

A salesman said that due to cheap prices, the Chinese type sold very well. ' People buy to spray in the garden and in the house, spray more expensive for poison. The type of Chinese is powerful, very fast, " she said. There are almost no lines of instructions in Vietnamese on Chinese sprayers that indicate how to spray, what the concentration is.

Tongdaling spray seems to be the best among Chinese insect killers because in addition to countless Chinese on the box body, there is a long Vietnamese sentence 'the quality of the factory product is insured at the private insurance company. Chinese people '.

In addition to products sold on the market, many businesses also launched online sales services or telephone counseling on how to kill termites and mosquitoes, the purpose is to sell chemicals or packages to kill insects. households, companies.

The faster the kill, the more poisonous

According to a chemical expert, Vietnam has not yet produced insecticides that are mainly imported. Considering consumer psychology, businesses often advertise drugs with extremely fast effects and long duration of action.

However, the more quickly the insect dies, the higher the concentration of the drug and the chemical has a strong effect. Thus, not only dead insects but also people are affected '- Assoc. Dr. Truong Si Niem, Deputy Head of the Epidemiology Department, National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, said.

' Besides, the chemical still works with insects for a long time after spraying, demonstrating that the drug remains in the environment and people still have to breathe these chemicals everyday. Even for insecticides that have been ensured by the Ministry of Health for safety, the regular reception of them through the respiratory tract is completely unhealthy. Most insecticides are mixed with aroma to overpower unpleasant odors and make people subjective and forget the minimum safety requirements such as using gloves, masks '.

It is worrisome that floating insecticides are unknown and still consumed a lot. These types do not specify the chemical composition as well as other indications according to the labeling regulations.

' Excluding the possibility that some anti-cockroaches and floating mosquitoes originating from China still use banned chemicals such as Lindan and DDVP. These two types have been used to kill cockroaches, mosquitoes are very effective and very fast. However, it was later discovered that they were especially dangerous to human respiratory system, especially children. Each NIHE staff in the DDVP spraying process at the farm has been poisoned '- Assoc.

A scientist from the Institute of Industrial Chemistry said that the liquid form of a killer drug is more dangerous than a solid of the same concentration. ' Certainly solvents in liquid form penetrate the skin more easily. The nature of mosquito sprays and ants according to regulations is just to repel mosquitoes, to prevent ants from entering the necessary scope. The stronger the product contains chemicals, the insects die quickly and the possibility of poisoning when people are exposed is higher, 'the scientist warns.

In fact, it is very rare for instant poisoning due to mosquito repellent. However, health experts warn if using bluff can cause poisoning in the case, especially when using floating products, poor quality.

Health experts say that mosquito repellent and mosquito repellent products are used by production units registered with authorities, which often use pyrethrine (synthetic daisies) or pyrethroide groups. was approved for use by the World Health Organization.

These substances, when exposed to the environment, become oxidized to other less toxic substances. Additives made of substrate are produced from plant powder, colloidal powder, coconut shell powder which has good burning effect but is safe. Consumers should choose to buy products that kill mosquitoes, cockroaches of reputable businesses and only use the instructions when absolutely necessary.

According to Dr. Ho Dinh Trung, Head of Insect Department, Vietnam Institute of Malaria and Parasitology, there are two types of insecticidal chemicals approved by the Ministry of Health in the national malaria control program: Bambancyphaclothrin and Alphacypermethrin, No harm to the environment and people.

However, these two types are not available on the market but only distributed to communes and wards to impregnate curtains or spray people in mosquito-killing programs in the community.


My Hang

Update 14 December 2018



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