Internet advertising revenue increased a record in the first quarter

Online advertising revenue in the US has increased by 38%, reaching a record of 3.9 billion USD in the first quarter of 2006 because businesses are increasingly favoring the Web.

Picture 1 of Internet advertising revenue increased a record in the first quarter Source: Infotech The Interactive Advertising Bureau survey and PricewaterhouseCoopers are conducted with the most expensive advertising space websites such as Yahoo and Google.

While users are spending more and more time on entertainment and shopping on the Internet, advertisers are also increasingly pouring money into this new type of advertising.

" We are on the verge of building a true Internet advertising space ," said Davidwaterman of PricewaterhouseCoopers. " More and more advertisers see the effectiveness and potential of that space ."

Although it has just been born for over 10 years, online advertising has achieved miraculous leaps. From less than 1 billion USD in 1997, it is now a huge turnover with 12.5 billion USD in revenue last year.

One point worth noting is that revenue in the first quarter has increased a record 38% over the same period last year, and 4% higher than the fourth quarter of 2005. This is a rare thing because usually the end of the year is always the most expensive "advertising" season, because it is the peak shopping season of the year.

" The first-quarter revenue surpassed the fourth quarter last year is a clear sign that Internet advertising is on the rise. Nothing can stop its progress ," Silverman predicted.

Thien Y