It's time for beautiful virtual assistants

Passed through virtual voice only, experts are now turning to the need to provide live expressive assistants.

Passed through virtual voice only, experts are now turning to the need to provide live expressive assistants.

Picture 1 of It's time for beautiful virtual assistants

Virtual Assistant 'Zoe' is built on a project between the Research Department
Toshiba Cambridge and Cambridge University - (Photo: Cambridge University)

If Apple's virtual assistant Siri has a face, 'she' will be able to look like the British actress Zoe Lister.

Reportedly, the actress had to 'borrow' the graceful, voice, and facial expressions to the researchers of the University of Cambridge (UK) develops next-generation virtual assistant.

As a result, the new virtual assistant has the head of 'Zoe' , using a set of 6 expressions and blends, tuned to form hundreds of different facial expressions.

The team hopes that in the future, users can build their own 'personal assistant' image, based on whatever model they like.

Of course, they can still create their own face assistant.

For example, being stuck in a car, you ask the software to send the message 'I'm late', accompanied by uncomfortable expressions and regrets, the recipient will see a representative image of you with all the expressions needed. Set according to case.

Update 11 December 2018



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