Just remember these 3 tips that you can eat a healthy snack

Even those who abstain from abstinence may not be sure to give up 100% of junk food, foods that are high in sugar, fat, calories but less nutritious.

Therefore, it is the physicians and nutritionists who always try to tell you that harmful junk food also knows that you will still eat them, not much or less.

But they accept that. You can have snacks, just have a snack planned.

"Eating is a part of your life" - nutrition professor Teresa Fung, from Simmons College, Boston, USA. What does that mean? Regardless of your plan or diet, Professor Raymond and all other nutritionists want you to stick with it for a long time.

Unless you have a very strong will, you won't be able to abstain from permanent sugar - and in fact, nutritionists don't want you to do that.

Contrary to many people's thoughts, planned snacks can help you stick to a long-term healthy diet. Here are some tips that Professor Raymond advises you, to make eating delicious snacks useful:

1. If you want to eat snacks, you must have a plan

"Don't snack in an inspired manner , " Professor Raymond said. Instead, plan and plan how much snacks you are allowed to eat each week.

Picture 1 of Just remember these 3 tips that you can eat a healthy snack
Do not cut down on junk food too suddenly, so you can achieve your goals.

Professor Raymond suggested, start a simple plan at 3 snacks / week, or 6 times. It is important that the plan is feasible and realistic. Then you can begin to reduce the number of times your snacks gradually become.

Do not cut down on junk food too suddenly, so you can achieve your goals. This will return to encouraging you to follow the diet. It is consistent with keeping the menu healthy and, above all, long term.

Sure, snacks aren't good for you. But psychologically, it works as a reward. Creating psychological rewards associated with eating plans will motivate you to continue to stick with it.

It must be said that snacking is bad. If at any time, you have access to junk food, you start eating them unconsciously without noticing. But planned snacks are different. You can turn them into rewards for sticking to a healthy diet. From there, you can resist your snacking habit and eventually break it.

2. If you eat, eat slowly

Some people were so craving for sweets that they would plunge and devour them, Professor Raymond said, and then they were disappointed when the food was too fast. Her advice?'Eat slowly. Really, really taste the cakes. Enjoy it".

Picture 2 of Just remember these 3 tips that you can eat a healthy snack
Chew and enjoy food slowly creating a reaction that makes you eat less.

To satisfy your psychological appetite, physical actions like chewing will help you feel fuller. In a meta-analysis of chewing studies, most experiments showed that prolonged chewing - whether it was chewing or pausing between bites - made participants feel fuller and relieved. appetite.

Chew and enjoy food slowly creating a reaction that makes you eat less. On the contrary, a similar phenomenon that makes you eat more occurs at the time you eat before the television - you don't think about eating. Losing focus on eating will make you eat too much.

Pay attention at meal time and you'll eat less calories. So if you've eaten junk food, enjoy them by eating slowly and chewing up.

3. Never eat junk food when hungry

Professor Raymond says your self-control falls to the lowest level when you're hungry. Your blood sugar has decreased, which means your brain is not working in its best state. This is the time when you often eat too much, which is why Professor Raymond says "only eat junk food when you are full."

Picture 3 of Just remember these 3 tips that you can eat a healthy snack
Just eat junk food when you are full.

Obviously no one asked you to go to the store to buy ice cream, while eating a full meal with plenty of vegetables - don't eat junk food now, save your stomach for meals and food other healthy.

But in the remaining cases, if you make sure that snacks are only put in your belly when it is not empty, it will be a reasonable choice. Once you have food in your abdomen, your ghrelin level (the hormone that makes you feel hungry) has decreased, your appetite is no longer too strong.

And if you're looking for the optimal time to eat a pastry after a meal, studies of insulin fluctuations suggest that after breakfast is a good time. That's when the blood insulin concentration is the highest, allowing the body to turn sugar into fuel instead of storing it into fat.

In contrast, do not snack in the evening, when insulin tends to decrease.