Many plants and animals are in danger of extinction

Many species of birds, amphibians and corals are at risk of extinction due to climate change but are not classified as conservation and receive adequate attention.

Many species of birds, amphibians and corals are at risk of extinction due to climate change but are not classified as conservation and receive adequate attention.

This is a warning of an international study published in the June issue of Plos one.

According to experts, there are up to 40% of birds, 29% of amphibians and 22% of the world's coral species are not on the list of species threatened by climate change but endangered High if global temperatures continue to rise. Among them, topped the list of high-risk birds and amphibians in the Amazon rainforest and coral along the Indonesian coast.

Picture 1 of Many plants and animals are in danger of extinction

The Amazon Forest.(Photo:

Through this research, the expert team wants to promote the review and reassessment of conservation priorities based on new findings on the threat of climate change threats to the natural environment. However, Wendy Foden, an expert of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and chair of the study, also said climate change is not the greatest threat to the community - plants.

World population is constantly increasing, excessive natural exploitation of humans and invasive plant and animal species are still the main causes of extinction in plant and animal species.

The research has just been published based on recent IUCN assessment of the level of danger that threatens birds, amphibians and corals in the face of climate change, based on the including climate change sensitivity and adaptability. Research is the result of more than 100 scientists, IUCN organizations and many other independent scientific and environmental groups.

According to calculations by environmental experts from the United Nations, there will be about 20-30% of animal and plant species in the world facing the risk of extinction if the Earth temperature increased by 2-3 degrees Celsius. with pre-industrial era.

Currently more than 200 countries and territories around the world have set a target to control this rise in temperature, but it is not feasible due to greenhouse gas emissions, one of the perpetrators caused the Earth to warm up, inter increase.

Update 16 December 2018



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