Message of cancellation after sending

Not only novelists can send and receive self-destructive messages. Now, messages sent through the Burn Note service will automatically disappear a few seconds after sending.

Not only novelists can send and receive self-destructive messages. Now, messages sent through the Burn Note service will automatically disappear a few seconds after sending.

Picture 1 of Message of cancellation after sending

Jacob Robbins, who created Burn Note, said that the service does not even keep a backup of the messages the user has sent.

After registering for an account and sending a message, users will be allowed to change some of the settings at the bottom of the page, including the length of time the message disappears permanently after being sent.

Robbins says Burn Note is very useful for online banking. However, US law requires that all financial institutions retain all transaction records, so those responsible for data storage can not use the service.

Update 11 December 2018



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