Nuclear reactor technology

Nuclear power industry (DHN) has so far had more than 50 years of history of establishment and development.

Nuclear power industry (DHN) has so far had more than 50 years of history of establishment and development. As of May 2008, there are 439 energy nuclear reactors in the world, operating in 31 countries and territories, accounting for about 16% of the world's electricity production.

Popular types of kilns in the world

Today, the technology of nuclear reactor development is very rich and diverse. There are more than 10 types of kilns being used, research and development.

Picture 1 of Nuclear reactor technology


Water oven: (including boiling water furnace - BWR and pressure water boiler - PWR): plays a key role, accounting for a large proportion in many countries with nuclear power. This is a technology that has not only been developed, perfected and commercialized widely in the world but is also a potential technology for strong improvements in the near future. Large-capacity light water kilns are being upgraded to improved reactors with greater capacity.

Heavy water furnace: Starting to grow from Canada, so far this kiln technology has been applied in many countries, especially some countries have started developing nuclear technology from heavy water like China and India. It is important to develop heavy water kilns and have autonomy in this technology. Most recently, Romania has entered this technology and built two units. Heavy-duty water furnaces have a flexible fuel cycle that can use natural uranium, low-enriched uranium reconstituted from PWR's recycled fuel, mixed oxide fuel, thorium.

High-temperature gas furnace: Developed in the United States, England and West Germany, this furnace uses graphite to slow down neutrons, helium as a heat and fuel load, and a high-enriched uranium-thorium tablet surrounded by graphite. However, the current gas kiln technology seems to stall. The research and development directions focus on high temperature gas furnace, round pellet fuel-type furnace with Graphite cover. A great possibility for the application of gas furnaces is to produce hydrogen for fuel cells.

Fast neuron: Using high-enriched uranium or plutonium as fuel, the active zone is surrounded by natural uranium and liquid metal used as heat load. The unit uses a fast neutron furnace with 3 cycles, round 1 through the active zone, round 2 through the middle and round 3 is the cycle of the bio-substance, through the turbine.

Furnace system using accelerators: A recent development is to combine fission furnace technology and accelerator to generate electricity and metabolize long-lived isotopes in radioactive waste. High-energy proton beams hit heavy metal beer to produce neutrons.

Development trend of nuclear power technology

The development of commercial energy kilns today aims to improve safety systems. Over the past few years, development has also been aimed at improving maintenance and increasing the reliability of equipment systems by reducing complex equipment, one of which is the application of systems. passive safety. On the other hand, to improve the economy, the capacity of a unit is increasingly increased. Countries aim to develop units with large current capacities at 1600 Mwe.

The current approaches and solutions for the development of nuclear power are all aimed at reducing investment costs, increasing competitiveness and improving safety, such as: Standardizing designs for each type to shorten the process of granting permission, reduce investment costs and construction time, design is simpler and more solid making them easy to operate and stable in systems with many fluctuations .

Update 11 December 2018



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