People who leave leave people who are difficult to live

A study by the University of Glasgow, Scotland, carried out more than 4,000 couples who found it too painful because their half was gone, making it easier for the other person to die.

Picture 1 of People who leave leave people who are difficult to live

The duo Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash cannot live without each other (Photo: Wikimedia)

Couples seem to be unable to live together, including duo Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash, who died only 9 months apart. Experts believe that when people lose their loved ones, people are more likely to be indulged in life such as eating inadequately and smoking and drinking alcohol.

The study explored couples between the ages of 45 and 64 beginning in the 1970s. The group recorded the time of the death and death of the next person in 2004. In the next phase, the number of women women die twice as many men. In the first 6 months after one of the couple died, the likelihood of the next person also went up with a multitude of reasons, for the next 5 years the risk of death from cardiac disorders increased significantly.

Lead researcher Carole Heart said: "We have found the loss of a beloved person who has a strong impact on the lives of people who stay, besides personal factors such as smoking, drinking and the impact. wearing forever ".

Stewart Wilson, at Cruse Bereavement Care, said: "Especially when the couple has lived together for a long time, the survivor's survival will not be high."