Physical exercise prevents diabetes complications

Diabetes (diabetes) is a metabolic disorder, prolonged high blood sugar leads to complications in the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys . In order to limit these complications, it is necessary to control Blood sugar is very good, in addition to regular exercise.

People with diabetes need to exercise to practice increasing strength, work to strengthen cardiovascular and respiratory activities, improve cardiopulmonary function and blood pressure, reduce blood sugar, blood fat and reduce depression.

Exercise strength increases strength can be in the way of walking, jogging, dancing . This type of exercise is also suitable for patients with peripheral neurological complications, osteoarthritis.

Picture 1 of Physical exercise prevents diabetes complications

People with diabetes should practice at least 30 minutes a day, more than 5 days a week

People with diabetes should practice at least 30 minutes a day, more than 5 days a week. If there is no time, it is possible to split many sessions well, but at least 10 minutes / session, medium intensity such as swimming, cycling, brisk walking, dancing, double tennis, volleyball . Heavy as climbing steep, stairs, fast ramps, single tennis .

Regular exercise helps increase the number and volume of muscle cells, increases muscle strength, increases calcium for bone, helps stabilize blood sugar, reduces blood fat, and increases muscle storage of glucogen. Can use weights, lift heavy objects available, pull bandages, practice machines . Too light weight does not work, too heavy weight increases the eye and cardiovascular complications. The weight should be increased gradually, lifting 8 - 10 times and then resting, then repeat 3 times.

Exercise muscle relaxation, help the body supple, reduce the risk of falls, increase the amplitude of joint activity, limit joint stiffness, often a way to start and relax after exercise, prevent muscle pain after exercise. Training experts will guide the appropriate stretching exercises for each patient. Mobilize anytime, anywhere, helping your body consume excess energy.

When practicing, you should coordinate different types of exercises. Heavy lifting gradually, regularly and regularly. The time of training depends on the working time of the day, not practicing right after the main meal, not exercising too far from the meal because of the risk of hypoglycemia, avoiding the peak effect of insulin if using insulin injections, if exercising outdoors should avoid time too hot or too cold.

Before the main exercise, there should be a 20-30 minute warm-up period (heating), light exercises or stretching exercises in place. After the training session, there is a 5 - 10 minute period of relaxation (cooling), mainly the practice of light movements or relaxation of the muscles in place.

Do not exercise when blood sugar> 250mg / dl and positive or blood sugar urethral 170mmHg or low blood pressure, fever, acute infection.

Note that when exercising, do not practice walking on hard rock, choose soft, non-slip shoes, always check your feet after each training session. Drink plenty of water before and after exercise, taking sugar, candy or food to prevent hypoglycemia.

When exercising, watch out for symptoms: Hypoglycemia, chest pain, dizziness, headache, pain or joint injury. Stop exercising immediately if you see the above signs.