Prevention and treatment of bronchodilator

Bronchodilator (GPQ) is a common respiratory disease, especially in the cold season. If not detected and treated promptly will lead to many dangerous complications. This is the irreversible relaxation of the bronchial tree. Can relax in large bronchi while

Bronchodilator (GPQ) is a common respiratory disease, especially in the cold season. If not detected and treated promptly will lead to many dangerous complications. This is the irreversible relaxation of the bronchial tree. Large bronchiectasis can be performed while small bronchi is normal or dilated in the small bronchus while large bronchi is normal.

Picture 1 of Prevention and treatment of bronchodilator

Bronzed left upper lobe culmen
(Photo:: chandoanhinhanh)

Patients with GPQ often have typical symptoms such as coughing, sputum, coughing up blood. The patient has a persistent cough, sputum sputum pretty much every day, the breath smells very bad. Sputum has 3 layers: The upper layer is foam; The lower layer is latex; The bottom layer is slimy.

Can cough up blood (from less to more). Particularly GPQ in children, less frequent cases of coughing up blood. Symptoms of chest pain may be an early sign of bronchial infections in the GPQ area. When suffering from GPQ, the patient also had recurrent pneumonia in GPQ area.

On the other hand, one-third of cases of this disease also have drumstick-shaped fingers. Patients with weight loss, anemia, weakness, 80% have symptoms of upper respiratory tract accompanied by (rhinitis, purulent sinus). If GPQ spreads on both sides, it is very likely that people will become cyanotic and have difficulty breathing. In the lung area with GPQ, there is recurring pneumonia, every year about the cold season.

When listening to the lungs, frequent rashes occur in areas with GPQ, usually 2 blows. If there is an associated bronchial obstruction, hearing snoring rashes spreads both lungs or has a wheezing sound. When there is a moist or crackling ridge that is frequently located at the base of the lungs while the lung X-ray is normal, GPQ must be thought of.

GPQ post-infection usually in the upper lobe (pulmonary tuberculosis, pulmonary abscess). Common complications of GPQ are pneumonia, pulmonary abscess, chronic heart disease .

Some common symptoms are:

- Vasculitis with purpura in the skin.

- GPQ may be accompanied by some of the following diseases: sinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic colitis, infertility (infertility is a symptom of cystic fibrosis, primary movement disorder syndrome) ), yellow nail syndrome, association disease (systemic lupus erythematosus), vasculitis with cutaneous hemorrhage and increased circulating immune complexes, etc.

What causes GPQ status?

Congenital anomalies in the bronchial structure: Disseminated GPQ plus sinusitis plus viscera are reversed (the position of the heart moves to the right) due to dysfunction of bronchial hair.

No or no cartilage in the bronchus should bronchus swell when inhaled, falling when breathing out. When bronchial hypertrophy due to structural defects linked in the bronchial wall accompanied by GPQ.

Due to necrotizing inflammation in the bronchial wall : GPQ after lung infections such as tuberculosis, bacterial pneumonia, virus, measles, pertussis, stomach or blood fluids inhaled, breathing toxic fumes (ammonia), due to recurrent bronchial infections.

Due to cocaine sclerosis: accounting for 50% of GPQ cases, is the most common cause in Europe and North America.

Large bronchial obstruction: bronchial tuberculosis, or hysteresis, falls into the bronchi in children, bronchial tumors or fibrosis causing bronchial narrowing after a major bronchial collapse due to chest injury. Under narrowed bronchial spaces, increased intra-bronchial pressure and congested secretions cause chronic infections in place and then develop into GPQ.

Due to fibrosis or necrotic granulomatous granulomas: pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis, chronic pulmonary abscess, alveolar disease of fibrosis. GPQ in post-occupational tuberculosis can develop according to the following two mechanisms:

- Most common due to destroyed lung parenchyma and fibrosis leading to pulling and GPQ does not recover.

- Tightening of bronchial stenosis due to scarring after local bronchial tuberculosis. Because most cases of post-tuberculosis are primary, tuberculous lesions in the apical lobes and posterior lobe of the upper lobe, GPQ is common in these locations as good bronchial drainage, so the symptoms are often poor. Bleeding cough is common in this GPQ.

Disorders of the purulent mucus: GPQ may develop in secondary villus movement disorder of bronchial asthma. In these cases bacteria grow in the lower respiratory tract.

Disorders of lung protection mechanism:

Impaired congenital or acquired humoral immunity such as reduced blood gamma-glycemia, selective reduction of lgA, lgM, lgG.

Acquired (secondary) immunodeficiency: due to cytotoxic drug use, HIV / AIDS infection, myelitis, chronic leukemia.

Idiopathic bronchodilator: it is thought that idiopathic GPQ may be due to bronchopulmonary dysfunction, but is ignored, often in adults in the lower lobe.

Treatment: All bronchial stimuli must be excluded: tobacco, pipe tobacco; Find and treat the teeth and ear, nose and throat infections; Influenza vaccination, anti-pneumococcal vaccine.

Respiratory function must be restored: Regularly done with breathing exercises, controlled coughing, chest puncture for sputum easily leads outward, low head position with different postures depending on the bronchial area dilated many times in day to drain by posture; Spray inhaled bronchodilator stimulant b2 (salbutamol, terbutaline .). When the patient has fever, sputum, sputum, complications of parenchymal and pleural infections using antibiotics as prescribed by the physician.

Bronchoscopy to diagnose the location of bleeding, release fluid sputum causing bronchial obstruction, relieve lesions that block the bronchi. Indications for surgery when GPQ is localized on one side of the lungs, when there is a lot of pus burning or severe blood cough, medical treatment fails. In the world, people are beginning to apply lung transplant surgery to treat GPQ.

For prevention: Clean the respiratory system. If the child has bronchial infection, it should be treated thoroughly. For adults also must always clean teeth, clean nose. If you have rhinitis, sinus also needs to be treated completely, avoiding complications to GPQ.

Update 14 December 2018



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