Produce Asia's largest hurricane-resistant wind turbine

China has completed production of its first 10 MW offshore wind turbine that can withstand storms with winds of up to 277km/h.

Picture 1 of Produce Asia's largest hurricane-resistant wind turbine
A key part of a 13 MW super typhoon wind turbine developed by DEC.

A super typhoon-resistant offshore wind turbine independently developed by China's Dongfang Electric Corporation (DEC) officially left the production line in Fujian province on February 22.

This is the wind turbine with the largest blade diameter in Asia, among all the turbines completed today. Thanks to carbon fiber extrusion technology, the length of each turbine blade reaches 103 m, a new record in China

Turbine adopts customized anti-storm strategy, can withstand super typhoon with wind speed of 77m/s, equivalent to 277km/h, so it can be installed in 98% of China's sea area.

With an installed capacity of a unit of 13MW, this is also the first offshore wind turbine over 10MW that has completed production in China with a localization rate of 90%. It is designed to produce 50,000 MWh of electricity annually, enough to meet the needs of 25,000 three-member households.

Dong Phuong Power Group said that the turbine has a high rate of wind energy use, while the maintenance cost is relatively low.