Repeatedly appeared fireballs in America

The image of 4 large fireballs and strong light emitted in the sky of many American states, is considered one of the rare astronomical events.

The image of 4 large fireballs and strong light emitted in the sky of many American states, is considered one of the rare astronomical events.

>>> Video: Mysterious fireball rushes through the sky of America

The American Meteorological Research Association (AMS) said this phenomenon was recorded on the night of September 23. The first fireball was discovered in Florida and Georgia. More than 420 people in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin recognized the emergence of the second event.

Picture 1 of Repeatedly appeared fireballs in America

The location detects 4 fireballs on the US map.(Photo: AMS)

A strong light from the third fireball is seen in the skies of Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri and Kentucky at 20:30.

The last fire bridge passed through the states of Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, surprising more than 40 observers to see this phenomenon.

According to AMS experts, the appearance of many fireballs in the sky in one night is a rare phenomenon. After analyzing the time-critical factors, the distance detected by the observer's report and the data collected, they determined that each fireball appeared separately. They can be recorded by the observation system of the US Aerospace Agency (NASA).

According to scientists, fireballs appear when burning meteorites rush into the Earth's atmosphere and often travel at high speeds. Fireballs are often brighter than meteor.

The title has been changed.

Update 18 December 2018



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