Sausages and bacon reach the top of foods that can cause cancer

WHO has designated processed meat such as bacon, sausages and cold meats that can cause cancer like alcohol, asbestos (also known as asbestos), arsenic and tobacco.

Eating lots of sausages and bacon can cause cancer

According to the latest announcement by the World Health Organization (WHO), processed meat such as bacon, sausage and cold meat can cause cancer. Accordingly, people who eat 50g of processed meat every day, ie about 2 slices of bacon will face the risk of colorectal cancer (intestine) increased by 18%.

Meanwhile, the WHO report shows that red meat 'can cause cancer', but evidence of this problem is very limited. WHO stresses that meat also benefits our health. According to the UK Cancer Research Center, this finding will help us cut back, not remove red meat and processed meat in our daily diet.

Picture 1 of Sausages and bacon reach the top of foods that can cause cancer

Processed meat is processed to extend the shelf life or to change the flavor of meat by smoking, adding salt or preservatives. The chemicals introduced during the meat processing process cause people to eat at high risk of cancer. Cooking at high temperatures such as grilling or frying can also cause carcinogens. These items are on par with other carcinogens such as alcohol, asbestos (also known as asbestos), arsenic and tobacco.

Professor Tim Key from the Cancer Research Center said: 'This finding doesn't mean you need to stop eating any red meat and processed meat. But if you're eating too much, you'll rethink the current menu. Sometimes eating bacon is not too dangerous . ' Processed meat is on par with plutonium radiation, alcohol, and highly carcinogenic agents. Even so, he said there is no need to stop using red meat and processed meat. However, it is necessary to reduce the amount of daily use. Dr. Teresa Norat of WHO also added that there are many causes of colon cancer. To reduce the risk of cancer, reduce the amount of meat eaten. Instead, we need to increase dietary fiber such as vegetables, fruits, fruits, maintain a healthy weight, reduce alcohol consumption and avoid passive lifestyles.

Robert Pickard, a member of the Cardiff University's Anti-Cancer Strategy and Nutrition Advisory Board, said: "The top priorities for cancer prevention not only stop smoking, maintain muscle weight. It is reasonable to avoid alcoholic beverages, but there is also a reasonable meat diet, which does not mean you have to stop eating red meat and processed meat. Bean salad for meat dishes ". In addition, Dr. Elizabeth Lund - an independent consultant in digestive health issues at the British Food Research Institute - said she has worked in the perennial meat industry and witnessed over 100,000 schools. In developed countries, bowel cancer involves red meat and processed meat.

Picture 2 of Sausages and bacon reach the top of foods that can cause cancer

However, this does not mean that processed meat is dangerous. A slice of bacon doesn't hurt as much as a cigarette.'The probability of a person suffering from colorectal cancer from processed meat is small. However, the more you eat, the higher the risk , 'said Dr. Kurt Straif, WHO. It is estimated that about 34,000 cancer patients die annually from the cause of too much processed meat.

This number is not so strong compared to 1 million cancer deaths from smoking and 600,000 people die from drinking alcohol each year. However, the WHO said that information on eating 100g of red meat per day, the chance of getting cancer up to 17% is not fully verified.