Science proves: Women really tend to do too much

And this stems from the fact that women's brains are more active than men.

The society we live in has a lot of prejudices, and one of them is: "Women tend to think too much more than men."

Of course because it is considered a prejudice, it encounters many objections from both sexes. However, recently, experts from Amen General Institute (California, USA) have found evidence that this prejudice is more likely to be true.

Picture 1 of Science proves: Women really tend to do too much

Women often do things, are they true?

Specifically, the expert analyzed data from more than 45,000 studies, and they realized that women's brain activity always seemed to be stronger than men. In particular, most areas in the brain of the womans receive more blood, which increases their ability to concentrate, but at the same time makes them more vulnerable to anxiety.

By MRI magnetic resonance imaging, the team found two areas of the prefrontal cortex (to help focus and control impulsivity), with hippocampus (emotional control and anxiety) in women. always get more blood than men. In contrast, image-related areas and hand-eye coordination in men are more active.

Picture 2 of Science proves: Women really tend to do too much

Many areas of women's brains are more active than men.

It also seems to be the reason why women often encounter too many things when they encounter a story, or "even think". In addition, they are also stronger in the areas of emotion, empathy and intuition.

"This is an important study to better understand the difference between the brains of men and women" - said Dr. Daniel G. Amen, research director.

Picture 3 of Science proves: Women really tend to do too much

This is an important study to better understand the difference between the brains of men and women.

In addition, Dr. Amen said that this difference will help us assess the risk of gender-related brain disorders . In fact, the rate of women with Alzheimer's is always higher than that of men, and vice versa, the proportion of men with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is always higher than that of women. And the reason is thought to be because the brains of both sexes work differently.

In general, research still needs more time to draw official conclusions. However, many scientists seem to agree with the study, especially the difference in the risk of brain-related diseases between the sexes.

Update 18 December 2018



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