Science shows 6 interesting body traits inherited from the father

According to studies, the father's genes determine these 6 traits of the child, not from both parents as people think.

According to studies, the father's genes determine these 6 traits of the child, not from both parents as people think.

In biology classes, you learn that you inherit 50% of your DNA from your mother and 50% from your father. However, this biological fact does not mean that each parent will pass on an equal number of physical and genetic traits to their children.

In fact, the odds of inheriting positive traits from your father are 60% higher. Experts have carefully studied this biological phenomenon and gathered that some of the genes that give you interesting traits are more likely to come from the father.

Crooked teeth

Picture 1 of Science shows 6 interesting body traits inherited from the father

When the father has poor oral health, the children often have to visit the dentist more often than their peers, even if your mother has relatively even, beautiful teeth.

Everything from tooth decay to every dental problem can be inherited from a father's mouth. If you have a crooked, uneven jawline, you know what the cause is.


Picture 2 of Science shows 6 interesting body traits inherited from the father

In many cultures, dimples are seen as a sign of beauty and attractiveness. However, scientists describe dimples as a defect formed by shortening of facial muscles. Dimples are hereditary, this is a dominant inherited trait and is usually inherited from the father.


Picture 3 of Science shows 6 interesting body traits inherited from the father

No two fingerprints are exactly alike because they are a unique pattern. However, the baby's fingerprint can be the same as the father's fingerprint. Fingerprint patterns are inherited traits inherited from the father.


Picture 4 of Science shows 6 interesting body traits inherited from the father

Some people sneeze uncontrollably when staring, suddenly exposed to the sun or bright lights. This is a genetic trait that you inherit from your father. This condition is called Achoo syndrome.


Picture 5 of Science shows 6 interesting body traits inherited from the father

How often do you hear people say 'he's as tall as dad'? This statement is scientific. A person's height is determined by at least 700 genetic variants inherited from both parents.

However, each parent's height gene works in a slightly different way. For example paternal genes are important in stimulating growth and therefore determine a person's height.

Update 01 March 2022



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