Smart bins recognize smartphones via WiFi for advertising

100 digital trash cans on which advertisers can buy seats are located in London to host the 2012 Summer Olympics.

Targeted ads are migrating from desktops to Internet-connected devices around the world.

The latest example comes from Renew, which has developed a series of 'smart' trash that can monitor the Wi-Fi signals of moving smartphones, and could soon be used to post messages. Ads are for specific individuals.

100 digital trash cans on which advertisers can buy seats are located in London to host the 2012 Summer Olympics. Renew has recently upgraded many of these bins with devices that can monitor the authenticity of any Wi-Fi-enabled smartphone.

Picture 1 of Smart bins recognize smartphones via WiFi for advertising

While the bucket does not know the specific identity of the smartphone owner, they can know the manufacturer and model of the phone (for example, the iPhone or a Samsung smartphone). Trash can record the path of smartphone users, showing how smartphone users go fast and go in any direction. In addition, the trash can recognize the smartphone user continues to traverse this trash the next day, or next month.

No doubt, many will be interested as they are known in this way. For peace of mind, Londoners can choose to be 'known' on the Presence Orb website, which can handle the analysis for Renew.

Currently, Renew says these trash can be used to measure the smartphone market share of mobile phone providers in London, but the opportunities for advertising are obvious. For example, an advertiser only focuses on people who have iPhones or have different ads for different audiences.

Update 11 December 2018



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