Some work well when thinking about death

Knowing that death is inevitable helps people understand that their lives are valuable, and recognize things bigger than themselves, that is the nation and religion. This is the result of research by American scientists published in Personality and Social magazine Psychology Review (Personality

Knowing that death is inevitable helps people understand that their lives are valuable, and recognize things bigger than themselves, that is the nation and religion.

This is the result of newly published American scientists published on Personality and Social Psychology Review (Personality and Social Psychology). Scientists call this the management theory of terror.

Picture 1 of Some work well when thinking about death

Previously, most research in this area focused on the negative consequences of death thoughts. For example, that thought raises hostility towards people with other beliefs and values, increasing selfishness and racist attitudes.

But, there is also evidence that managing fear also has many beneficial effects, said researcher Kenneth Vail of the University of Missouri.

For example, major disasters such as the 9/11 terrorism, increased fear and awareness of many people's deaths both in terms of positive and negative.

'Mass media and researchers have focused on negative reactions to terrorist acts, such as violence and stigma against Muslims, but studies have shown that the following such terrorists raise people's gratitude, hope, kindness and leadership, " Vail said.

According to the authors, a sense of death can encourage people to pay more attention to physical health and focus on accomplishing personal goals. Those who often do not think about death live by positive beliefs and standards, build positive relationships, participate enthusiastically in the community, support peaceful coexistence and enrich life.

Reference: Live Science

Update 14 December 2018



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