Soy beans help men prevent lung cancer

Xinhua leads a large-scale survey of Japan's Ministry of Labor Health, which says men who regularly eat soy will help reduce the risk of lung cancer.

Xinhua leads a large-scale survey of Japan's Ministry of Labor Health, which says men who regularly eat soy will help reduce the risk of lung cancer.

The study also showed that the effect was only effective for non-smokers.

The website of Japan's Asahi Shimbun news agency said a group of scientists from Japan's Ministry of Labor Health conducted a survey of 76,000 men and women aged 45 to 74 in the 11 years.

Picture 1 of Soy beans help men prevent lung cancer

The scientists divided the subjects into four groups and asked them to eat soybeans by a certain amount / day, then proceeded to compare the relationship between the amount of soybeans eaten and the rate of cancer lung.

The survey results show that men in the group that ate the most soy intake, the risk of lung cancer was 57% lower than the group that ate the least amount of soy.

Scientists say the effects of preventing lung cancer in soybeans seem to be related to soy isoflavones.

Previous research has shown that isoflavones can prevent breast cancer and prostate cancer. However, the effect of preventing lung cancer of soy is only effective for non-smokers.

For men who smoke and quit smoking, there is no difference in the risk of lung cancer.

Scientists say that eating a lot of soy is not very effective for men who have quit smoking, because the damage to the surface of the gene caused by smoking is hard to erase. .

Update 14 December 2018



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