Estimated scientists in Nördlingen town and the surrounding area contain approximately 72,000 tons of diamonds.

The object named K2-3d is 150 million light-years away from Earth and is likely to exist in life.

Astronomers can observe the rare event when Mercury passes over the Sun disk for several hours on May 9.

The black hole is about the same size as the atomic nucleus, the galaxy

According to the original plan, this project will be launched as early as 2014 and completed the task within 2 years, using 3 astronomical telescopes to collect X-ray rays emitted

Humans are lucky to escape the dinosaur-like end, according to a Mexican expert study.

Scientists speculate that the X-ray object is most likely a neutron star or black hole tens of thousands of light years from Earth.

The Royal Astronomical Society of England said on April 14 that scientists from the University of Manchester have discovered a

The European Aeronautics Agency (ESA) has announced it has reached an agreement to launch an astronomical exploration satellite to map a billion stars in the universe.

Last week an astronomical object exploded in the sky of Africa and did not harm the Earth, exactly as astronomers predicted for the first time.