Some scientific studies show that washing dishes can reduce stress and increase creativity.

The likelihood of girls' future success will increase if the father shares housework with the mother and does not have a sense of respect for men.

Modern men spend more time and effort on housework than women think, but in most families their efforts are not recognized by women.

Dr. Edward Archer and a colleague from the University of South Carolina (USA) conducted a study on the housework time of thousands of American women starting from 1965 to 2010.

A recent study shows that men spend a lot of time doing housework such as shopping, cleaning or cooking, it is more limited than those with traditional jobs for men. like

A recent study published in the journal Neurology shows that older people who are active as gardeners or housework are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than those who are

Even before the eyes were badly damaged, Will Palmer never saw anything in his house to do ...

Your house is cleaned, ironing clothes are flat, robots even bring pizza to the place when you are suddenly hungry or pour water for you when you are thirsty.

iRobot, maker of the world-famous Automatic Vacuum Cleaner Roomba, has unveiled two new cleaning robots at the CES International Technology Fair on January 6 in Las Vegas, America.

Tony and Judy Ellis, a couple who live in the UK, have no children and also do not have a pet in the house. In order not to feel lonely, they agreed to raise a 'foster child'