Famous for his chubby body, Godzilla passed away on May 6 from obesity-related diseases. The monkey's owner disputes allegations of intentionally harming the animal.

We often think that monkey's main food is bananas but it turned out to be a very misconception.

For the last 40 years, some scientists have made observations and it is increasingly difficult to identify what is characteristic of humankind.

When the entire human genome was sequenced for the first time 13 years ago, scientists were stunned to discover that our DNA was so different from its relatives - monkeys. great.

Iran plans to bring monkeys to space this summer, after successfully launching the Rassad-1 satellite on Wednesday.

Russian scientists are preparing plans to bring monkeys to the spacecraft to fly to the red planet.

A threatening monkey species, named Miller's Grizzled Langur, has just been found on Borneo, in an area where the monkey is not expected to live, international researchers said

According to scientists, the eyes of animals evolved about 540 million years ago as a simple light detector.

Sheep can remember the faces of two other sheep, missing their friends after two years of not seeing them, they can even recognize their sheep friends through photos.

A rabbit capable of keeping a super balance or an eel suddenly drowned the trainer in front of hundreds of spectators.