Now, self-propelled devices are programmed to spy on objects, play music and even get on the wire like birds, waiting for convenient times to catch 'bait'.

School information officers, communications communications have successfully manufactured robot products like military models, military uniforms.

People think robot is the achievement of the modern era. But since the 19th century, talented craftsmen have created robots as moths and can move automatically.

French researchers have been able to assemble thousands of nanoparticles and activate them to coordinate movement like human muscle fibers.

With the organ next to the robot has played (played the song) five simple music, easy to play, such as the hospital, baby birds, Romeo and Juliet ... A robotic robot with a chord

University faculty Michelle Oyen is responsible for leading the research team looking for ways to make bone in the laboratory for use in medical implant.

Recently, researchers at Japan's Asahi Kasei Textile Company have successfully developed the first electrically resilient electric cable.

On 28 November, the European Commission has introduced ROBOCAST, a robotic arm 10 times more stable than a doctor's, capable of performing complex operations in brain surgery.

A video by Boston Dynamics reveals that the PETMAN robot can not just walk like a normal person, but can also do physical exercises, even pushing the ground.

In the context of growing concern about the nuclear crisis following the February 11 earthquake, Chinese scientists have invented a robot capable of detecting radioactivity.