Do you feel happy with your work? Are you happy when you have to sit in the office?

A study at Tilburg University in the Netherlands showed that individuals with personal characteristics that match the specific characteristics of the job can be paid higher than

Like many ordinary people, great scientists such as Albert Einstein, Marie Curie or Isaac Newton used to work unpaid, living hard because of their low wages and trying their best

We have compiled the 11 highest paid jobs at Yahoo based on information from Glassdoor and it seems that Yahoo treated his employees very well.

An expert financial expert claims, the best way for you to get a raise is not to ask anything from your boss or leader.

Surveys of British scientists show that happiness in adolescence is the motivation for young people to be more successful when they reach the age of 30.

LiveScience reports that a recent study in the US showed that up to a quarter of respondents said they did not need to receive six-figure salaries but still felt successful in

Although some people may say that they quit their jobs because the working time is too long or not paid properly, a new study finds that the real cause of people seeking new jobs

On NASA's answer page, it is revealed that the astronauts' annual salary will be based on the Common Federal Wage Fee Schedule, and fall into the two highest levels, GS-12 - GS-13.