Many ancient armor of ordinary kings or soldiers are almost intact and preserved carefully.

An expert who collected the cloth once belonged to an Australian soldier in the fighting area of Fromelles, northern France, during World War I.

A study found that Scottish soldiers who survived World War II had lower IQs than those who had fallen.

A death battle took place almost 400 years ago at a point near Ethin (England) that killed 5,000 soldiers. Later, people around the area sometimes saw images of two ghost troops

Chinese archaeologists have unearthed 114 statues of burned clay soldiers in a tomb area of the Qin Dynasty in Xi'an City.

The US military wants each of its soldiers to carry an Android-based smartphone when it comes to battle, to get information about the tactical situation and take command.

If so, look in the barracks, just how funny the school is and the comedy team!

People underwent brain surgery for an American colonel. The surgeon opened the skull and pulled out the colonel's brain.

Civil servants pushed the bouncing bicycle or the team waving the flag to win on the roof of De Castries were the symbolic images in the Dien Bien Phu victory.

The US military is beginning to conduct tests for soldiers to see if low-level electroshock procedures for the brain help them be more alert in combat.