A team of Chinese scientists has developed a new supercomputer so fast that it can successfully run artificial intelligence models as complex as the human brain.

It was the first supercomputer to achieve exascale performance, capable of processing 1.1 trillion operations per second.

Let's look at the brain's capabilities that few people can expect.

Leading this list is a Japanese supercomputer system with an investment of $ 1.2 billion.

Discovery News magazine has voted for the world's most outstanding technical achievements in 2010.

Authorized by the US government, IBM will design a nuclear arsenal supercomputer capable of processing 20,000 million million calculations a second.

When operating at the highest capacity, Summit's maximum performance is up to 200 petaflop - ie 200 trillion calculations per second.

China began to develop a supercomputing system capable of performing over a billion billion calculations per second, 10 times faster than the fastest computer in the world today.

New supercomputers can perform 93 million billion calculations a second, topping the list of the world's most powerful machines.

Japan already has some big plans for supercomputers, using record speed to help the country develop progress in artificial intelligence technology such as deep-learning.