According to the announcement of the Management Board of the small satellite project, Institute of Space Technology, Academy of Science and Technology of Vietnam, 11 am 9/5

According to the latest announcement on the website of the Arianespace company, Vietnam's first remote sensing satellite launch will be postponed due to weather conditions.

Information from the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, after two days of postponement and anticipation, tomorrow morning, May 7, at 9:00 am (Hanoi time), Vietnam's first

In the morning of May 7, at 9:06 am, the representative of Arianespace said that VEGA's rocket had left the launch pad at the launch site of Kourou, France, bringing the first

VNREDSat-1 is expected to be launched at 9:06 am on May 3, Hanoi time from the launching ground of Kourou, French Guiana, made by Vega boosters, the Management Board of the Small

According to the plan, at 9:06 am May 7, 2013 (Hanoi time), Vietnam's first earth observation satellite VNREDSat-1 has been launched into space by the VEGA rocket. the launch yard

It is known that VNREDSat-1 project is built on the research and assessment of domestic practical needs, new development trend of small satellite technology observing the world in