The climate collapses the Mediterranean ancient civilization

The hundreds of years of cold and dry weather may have caused the collapse of eastern Mediterranean civilizations in the 13th century BC.

The hundreds of years of cold and dry weather may have caused the collapse of eastern Mediterranean civilizations in the 13th century BC.

Published above, published in PLoS One magazine, conducted by researcher David Kaniewski of Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse (France).

Based on the analysis of sediments from four ancient Larnaca saltwater lakes in southern Cyprus, Mr. Kaniewski discovered evidence of a 300-year dry weather that began around 3,200 years ago.

Changes in local carbon isotopes and plant varieties show that the four former saltwater lakes were once a central port of the regional trade route.

Picture 1 of The climate collapses the Mediterranean ancient civilization

Research shows that climate change affects the ancient Eastern Mediterranean civilization.(Source:

This finding has led to the assumption that environmental changes have pushed the region into a dark period.

Climate change has caused crop failures, starvation and death, pushing this region into a socio-economic crisis and forcing people in the Eastern Mediterranean and Southwest Asia to migrate towards the end of the copper.

This is the cause of the sudden collapse of a powerful kingdom whose territory stretches over the lands of Egypt, Greece, Cyprus, Syria, Turkey, Israel and Palestine today around 1200 B.C.

Previously, a group of scientists from the University of New Mexico (USA) also discovered reducing the surface temperature of the ocean in the Mediterranean occurred at the same time as the dark period of Greece, spanning about 400 years.

Professor Lee Drake, a member of the research team, said the reduced ocean surface temperature would reduce water evaporation and reduce rainfall on land.

Drake said this finding significantly increased the power of the hypothesis that Mediterranean civilizations collapsed due to climate change.

However, it is still unclear why temperature changes occur on a global scale, but the Mediterranean region is most affected.

According to Drake, this is what scientists are keen to learn more about. There is still debate about the cause of climate change at that time.

Some argue that due to increased solar activity, diverting strong whirlwinds in the North Atlantic and leading to drought caused by reduced ocean temperatures and reduced rainfall.

Update 17 December 2018



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