The extremely convincing scientific explanation for the phenomenon of eating is to be sleepy by office workers

According to research by scientists, the cause of the phenomenon of eating is that sleepiness is caused by the fact that when we eat full, blood rushes down to promote gastrointestinal processes, leading to increased blood flow. The brain decreases, thereby causing drowsiness and fatigue.

A number of experts have come up with different theories that explain whether or not you finish eating and feel drowsy. One of these is the hypothesis that animals, including humans, have built in the "alert signal" to help them / they awake when hungry. These signals help them locate and receive food. When an animal (or a human) has eaten a lot, these alert signals will dissipate and be replaced by feeling tired.

However, a number of other scientists have proposed a more convincing hypothesis when it is suggested that the changes in the blood circulation of the human body are the reason why eating makes some people sleepy. .

Picture 1 of The extremely convincing scientific explanation for the phenomenon of eating is to be sleepy by office workers

A meal with too many carbs will make you more sleepy.

According to Dr. Tomonori Kishino, a professor of health sciences at Kyorin University (Japan), the two parts that consume the most energy in the human body are the brain and intestines. After eating, the energy in the human body will be deposited into the digestive system. Because a large amount of blood is pushed down into the stomach to contract, which promotes digestion, the amount of blood reaching the brain and other organs is reduced. This is the main cause of sleepiness and fatigue after eating a full meal.

According to Dr. Tomonori Kishino, the symptoms of drowsiness will be more serious if we have just eaten foods that are high in sweet and starch.Because food goes down the intestines fast, insulin levels also rise. This lowers blood sugar, causing fatigue and drowsiness. Sweet foods and starches also stimulate the brain to produce large amounts of a neurotransmitter called serotonin - the main culprit that makes us feel tired and sleepy.

Picture 2 of The extremely convincing scientific explanation for the phenomenon of eating is to be sleepy by office workers

Office workers are the most common object.

According to a number of published scientific studies, if you want to avoid drowsiness after eating a full meal, the meal should be balanced between vegetables, protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. At the same time, eating a smaller meal will keep us awake after lunch, especially when you're at the office. After a high-quality meal, take a walk to increase blood circulation and stimulate muscles and help keep your body awake.

Update 26 September 2019



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