The food experts will avoid using

Experts in different areas will not eat certain foods, because they know they are full of chemicals and toxins due to growing or processing.

Endocrinologist will not eat canned tomatoes

Picture 1 of The food experts will avoid using

Problem: According to Fredrick Vom Saal, a University of Missouri (USA) specialist, the plastic coating of tins containing bisphenol-A (BPA), a synthetic estrogen is linked to a variety of diseases, from reproductive problems to heart disease, diabetes and obesity. In addition, the characteristic acidity of tomatoes causes BPA to get into your food. Studies show that the amount of BPA in most people exceeds the level of inhibiting sperm production or harming chromosomes in animal eggs.

Solution: Choose tomatoes in glass bottles (without plastic coating).

Farmers will not eat corn-based beef

Picture 2 of The food experts will avoid using

Problem: Cattle have evolved to eat grass, not nuts. However, farmers today feed their cattle with both corn and soybeans, to fatten them faster for slaughter. Even so, the more livestock farmers get more money, the more likely it is that buffalo meat will become less nutritious for consumers. A recent comprehensive study by the US Department of Agriculture and Clemson University researchers found that compared to corn-fed beef, grass-fed beef has a high content of beta-carotene, vitamin E, omega-3, Higher linoleic acid (CLA), calcium, magnesium and potassium; and also lower levels of omega-6 (causing inflammation) and saturated fat (associated with heart disease).

Solution: Buy grass-fed beef

Poison specialist will not eat popcorn popcorn by microwave

Picture 3 of The food experts will avoid using

Problem: Chemicals, including perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), in the lining of corn bags classified under the compound class may be implicated in human infertility, according to a recent University study. UCLA (USA). In animal tests, these chemicals cause cancer of the liver, testes and pancreas. Meanwhile, the process of turning the microwave makes the chemicals evaporate and penetrate into popcorn, accumulating over the years in the human body.

Solution: Explode the organic popcorn seeds in the classic way: in a pan.

Farm owners will not eat non-organic potatoes

Picture 4 of The food experts will avoid using

Problem: Vegetable plants with roots always absorb herbicides, pesticides and fungicides used in the growing process. In the case of potatoes, farmers often use fungicides during the growing season of potatoes, then spread herbicides before harvest. After digging up, the potatoes are again treated with chemicals to prevent them from germinating.

Solution: Buy organic potatoes.

Fisheries experts will not eat farmed salmon

Picture 5 of The food experts will avoid using

Problem: Studies have found that salmon are kept in captivity and fed with soybeans, hydrolyzed chicken feathers, . for meat with low vitamin D content but containing pollutants, including chemicals PCB cancer, brominated flame retardants and pesticides such as dioxin or DDT (associated with diabetes and obesity), high. In addition, there are many concerns about the huge amount of antibiotics and pesticides used in the process of feeding and handling this fish.

Solution: Buy the wild caught salmon.

Cancer researchers will not drink milk

Picture 6 of The food experts will avoid using

Problem: Cattle farms that feed milk for their cattle use specialized growth horrmone called rBGH or rBST to increase milk production. However, rBGH increases the udder infection and even causes pus in their milk. The use of this hormone also leads to higher IGF-1 hormone formation in milk. In humans, high levels of IGF-1 can contribute to breast, prostate and colon cancer.

Solution: Buy organic milk or labeled milk products that do not contain rBGH or rBST.

Organic food experts will not eat apples

Picture 7 of The food experts will avoid using

Problem: Apple trees are less resistant to pests and diseases, so while cultivating, farmers have to spray them regularly. Manufacturers claim, chemical residues in apples harvested are not toxic. However, Mark Kastel, director of the Cornucopia Agricultural Policy Research Institute, said that washing the apple as usual cannot eliminate the pesticide residue due to the chemicals absorbed into the shell and inside the apple.

Solution: Buy organic apples.