The girl discovered the treasure sword rumored to be King Arthur's

Little Jones had a happy vacation with her family to Lake Dozmary, Cornwall, England. However, both Jones and his family could not imagine that they had found a medieval weapon.

Although the story of King Arthur's famous Excalibur sword has not yet been confirmed by anyone, many people still believe that this is the legendary sword that King Arthur threw into the lake.

Little Jones had a happy vacation with her family to Lake Dozmary, Cornwall, England. However, both Jones and his family could not imagine that they had found a medieval weapon, believed to be the most famous sacred sword in British history: King Arthur's sword Excalibur.

Picture 1 of The girl discovered the treasure sword rumored to be King Arthur's

The sword that Jones picked up under the lake.

When he came to play in this lake, Jones' father, Paul told her about the legendary sword story of King Arthur. The girl suddenly spotted something like metal under the lake but at first, people just thought it was rusted iron.

However, when pulling that thing up, they realized that what little Jones found was a sword, longer than her height. Paul, her father said.

"It was a bright sunny day and my whole family went sailing. My daughter saw something under the lake and it turned out to be a sword."

Picture 2 of The girl discovered the treasure sword rumored to be King Arthur's

The size of this sword is longer than that of Jones.

No one can claim that it was King Arthur's Excalibur sword that people have been rumored for hundreds of years because in fact, this story is said to be only a legend. However, it looks like a sword that Jones picked up from under the lake. Known after the incident, many people have offered to buy this sword back from their families. For the time being, neither Paul nor his daughter will know what to do with this precious item.

Picture 3 of The girl discovered the treasure sword rumored to be King Arthur's

Many people are willing to pay a high price to buy the sword back.

Update 17 December 2018



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