The Great Wall and the many secrets people think

The Great Wall is a great architecture, one of China's proud symbols. Around this famous wonder there are still many interesting mistakes.

The Great Wall is a great architecture, one of China's proud symbols. Around this famous wonder there are still many interesting mistakes.

1. The Great Wall is not a single project

The Great Wall is not a single, independent structure, but consists of many different walls built, shifted and merged under different dynasties spanning over 2000 years.

Picture 1 of The Great Wall and the many secrets people think

The Great Wall is one of the typical works of China.

Much of what remains and makes the symbol of the Great Wall is built from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).

Few segments were built during the remaining Qin Shihuang period until today, mainly small mounds and walls.

2. The Great Wall is not " long-term "

"Great Wall" means long-term wall. "Li" is a unit of length for Chinese people (1 reason = 0.5 km).

Picture 2 of The Great Wall and the many secrets people think

The Great Wall is beautiful in the snow.

However, according to the most recent study of the Chinese Cultural Heritage Administration (SACH), the actual length of the Great Wall is 21,196km - an amazing number.

3. Can't see the Great Wall from the Moon

From 1750, long before the space explorer, William Sturkley, an English pastor and friend of Newton's mathematician, said that the Great Wall could be seen from the Moon.

Stukeley writes: "The majestic wall of four miles (Hadrian's Wall) was only surpassed by the Great Wall of China. The Great Wall has portrayed the great contours on the surface of the earth and can is clearly seen in the moon " .

Picture 3 of The Great Wall and the many secrets people think

Many people mistakenly think that they can see the Great Wall from the Moon.

However, the truth is that it is impossible to see the Great Wall from the moon with a normal camera. Apparently, the width of the wall seen from the Moon is equivalent to seeing a hair from a distance of 3 km.

In other words, to see the Great Wall from the Moon will require superhuman vision with 17,000 times better spatial resolution than the normal 20/20 vision.

4. The Great Wall is not the only artificial construction visible from the universe

In 2003, a Chinese-American astronaut named Leroy Chiao took a photo from the International Space Station showing the great wall. However, the photo was too blurry and the photographer was not sure if it was the Great Wall.

Picture 4 of The Great Wall and the many secrets people think

The image of the Great Wall looks from the universe.

In fact, it is only possible to recognize the Great Wall from low orbit (about 160km from the ground), but it is more difficult to see than other artificial works such as pyramids, airports and ports. , .

5. The Great Wall does not mark the boundary between China and Mongolia

Ever since China has been a big controversial question. In times of instability with many historical events, maps and boundaries often change and are redrawn.

During this period, the Mongols lived mainly nomadic, which also made the notion of national borders becoming more fuzzy when the walls were still unfinished.

Picture 5 of The Great Wall and the many secrets people think

The Great Wall is like a strong military defense.

Therefore, it can be said that the original construction purpose of the Great Wall is not the dividing line between China and Mongolia but could be a defensive formation to prevent threats from the north.

6. David Copperfield never went through the Great Wall

David Copperfield is a legend in the mysterious magic world and the curtain going through the Great Wall is one of the classic magic tricks that makes anyone admiring and admiring.

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David Copperfield's classic magic show at the Great Wall.

Of course, going through the Great Wall is unbelievable. What the audience saw was just David Copperfield disappearing through the screen and then appearing on the other side of the city.

In essence, it is the way to use the light and visual trick of the extremely sophisticated followers and make success for the performance.

7. The Great Wall is made from the bones of the builders

In order to bind the stones to a solid wall, Chinese people used lakes made from rice flour.

However, many rumors say that the walls here are also built with human corpses, which is the body of the workers involved in construction.

Picture 7 of The Great Wall and the many secrets people think

The Great Wall is also called the "Longest Graveyard in the World".

There are hundreds of thousands of people who died when building the Great Wall, so this work also has a rather creepy name "The longest cemetery in the world".

8. Can only admire the Great Wall in Beijing

Picture 8 of The Great Wall and the many secrets people think

The Great Wall is an attractive tourist destination in Beijing, China.

Many people mistakenly believe that the Great Wall can be seen anywhere in China, but in fact, the present sites of the Great Wall are located in Beijing and the northern suburbs, including the Truong Thanh: Bat Dat Linh, Mutianyu, Simatai and Shixiaguan sections.

Update 18 December 2018



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