The group of Egyptian students designed their own air vehicles to save it

Initially, a group of college students designed this unique air-driven vehicle as part of a graduation project at Helwan University near Cairo, Egypt.

A group of Egyptian students contributed to solving the rising energy price problem, as well as promoting the use of clean energy by designing a compressed air vehicle.

Initially, a group of college students designed this unique air-driven vehicle as part of a graduation project at Helwan University near Cairo, Egypt. This one-driver car was born in the state of the Egyptian economy in need of serious reform, and energy prices in the country are also rising.

Picture 1 of The group of Egyptian students designed their own air vehicles to save it

Initially, a group of college students designed this unique air-driven vehicle as part of a graduation project at Helwan University near Cairo, Egypt.

The student group said that this car could reach speeds of 40 kilometers per hour, now 30 kilometers must be filled with compressed air once, the upgrade can extend the distance after each load times.

The cost of installing an environmentally friendly car is not too expensive, only about 18,000 Egyptian pounds (about 25 million VND), but of course you will hardly have to spend a single purchase of gasoline. , because the car only uses compressed air in the tank to operate.

"The cost to operate this car is almost zero, because you only use compressed air to run it! There will be no need to spend money on gasoline, or pay for the cooler too" - Mahmoud student Yasser, one of the car design team, said of course he did not take into account that users had to buy the necessary pneumatic loaders.

This car has been tested on the road and has worked extremely well. The car looks like a regular car, with 4 wheels but only 1 seat, equipped with 2 compressed air tanks 2 sides, plus countless power cables behind the car.

Picture 2 of The group of Egyptian students designed their own air vehicles to save it

Vehicles equipped with 2 compressed air tanks can be screwed by hand.

Picture 3 of The group of Egyptian students designed their own air vehicles to save it

Islam Ibrahim student in the design team is adjusting the power cables on the car.

Picture 4 of The group of Egyptian students designed their own air vehicles to save it

The student group said that this car could reach speeds of 40 kilometers per hour, and every 30 new trees had to be refilled once.

Picture 5 of The group of Egyptian students designed their own air vehicles to save it

The cost of installing an environmentally friendly car is not too expensive, only about 18,000 Egyptian pounds (about 25 million VND), but of course you will hardly spend any money on the course of money. whether, because the car only uses compressed air in the tank to operate.

Picture 6 of The group of Egyptian students designed their own air vehicles to save it

This one-driver car was born in the state of the Egyptian economy in need of serious reform, and energy prices in the country are also rising.

The design team is hoping to raise funds to expand the project and mass produce this car. The group of students believed that they could push the car up to 100 kilometers per hour, and could run up to 100 new trees that needed refueling.

Update 12 December 2018



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