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Scientists point out that those who survive a heart attack or stroke will increase their risk of heart failure next time because heart muscle is affected.

Scientists have tested and concluded, direct injection of drugs into the heart muscle will help limit the risk of recurrent myocardial infarction.

Scientists point out that those who survive a heart attack or stroke will increase their risk of heart failure next time because heart muscle is affected.

A new study by scientists at the University of South Carolina has shown that direct injection of drugs into the heart muscle limits this damage. This study was published after scientists conducted experiments in pigs.

Picture 1 of The method of

The cause of a heart attack often occurs due to blood clots forming, clogging coronary arteries, stopping blood flow and oxygen to the heart muscle. When the flow is restored, enzymes called matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) - play an important role in the breakdown of extracellular matrix and the basal membrane will work through the level.

This sometimes exerts a great pressure on the ability to pump blood into the heart and increase the risk of heart failure, making the heart unable to keep up with the huge workload.

After conducting a pig heart study, Shaina Eckhouse of the University of South Carolina School of Medicine (Charleston) and colleagues described this treatment process using a compound called TIMP-3. TIMP are MMP endogenous inhibitors , which play a major role in filtering out the next collagen and spreading infarction.

Thereby, experts found, when pigs receive TIMP-3 hydrogel , they are less prone to heart damage and strengthen heart function later. The phenomenon of myocardial infarction also did not cause death in pigs after treatment with TIMP-3 hydrogel.

Scientists hope that this discovery will open a new treatment to be carried out on humans, helping to "revive " the heart after a stroke or heart attack in the near future.

Update 14 December 2018



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