The time of the big virus is over

Speaking at the Conference of Asian Anti-Virus Researchers (AVAR), Telafici said that the main motive behind cybercrime today is no longer

The big days of big viruses are over, Avert Labs chief executive of McAfee, Joe Telafici said.

Speaking at the Conference of Asian Anti-Virus Researchers (AVAR), Telafici said that the main motive for cybercrime today is no longer " a reputation " in the virtual world but money . They are " more and more clever ", but cross-border legal cooperation activities are also more effective.

Telafici's team has about 100 security staff in 16 countries around the world. They are responsible for building and developing secure content for McAfee software, but at the same time teaching and collaborating on law.

Picture 1 of The time of the big virus is over
Avert Labs also provides comments on 10 security trends in 2007:

1. The use of bot networks and automated computer programs will increase. Botnetwork will also increase, but there is a shift from Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to less annoying instant messaging and peer-to-peer communication. .

2. The number of rootkits on 32-bit platforms as well as protection and treatment will increase. Rootkits are becoming a real standard.

3. Vulnerabilities and errors continue to be a major concern, as there is always an underground market for them behind. Avert Labs thinks that the number of vulnerabilities will increase as the number of automated tool users is increasing, technologies allow time as well as greater scope of application testing with "promotions" Give any researcher a hole.

4. Identifying theft and loss of data continues to become an issue. Stealing computers, losing backup data and compromised information systems are the result of these types of crimes.

5. The number of websites that steal passwords will increase. They use fake registration pages of many popular online services like eBay.

6. Large amount of spam, special "eat bandwidth" image spam continues to increase.

7. The popularity of videos shared on websites that target hackers targeting MPEG files, making them targets for malicious codes.

8. The form of mobile phone attacks will be more common when mobile devices are "smarter" and more connected.

9. Adware has become a mainstream trend next year due to the enhancement of Unwanted Potential Programs (PUPs).

10. Parental malware (parasitic malware) editing files already on disk will return.

Update 13 December 2018



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