The world's largest turbine generator

Clean power generation from the turbines that France is about to launch could generate power for 400 families living in a village.

Realizing that it is possible to generate electricity from the tidal currents at the English Channel, OpenHydro Technologies (Ireland) and France's EDF have collaborated on the invention of the largest tidal energy farm world.

The $ 55 million tidal power project will be completed by 2012 and be installed off the coast of Paimpol, Brittany in northern France. The project will produce four turbines with a weight of up to 850 tonnes.

Picture 1 of The world's largest turbine generator
France boasts the world's largest electricity generator. (Photo: Discovery)

According to experts, this project can provide enough electricity for 4,000 families in the area. OpenHydro will supply 2 Megawatt turbines with a diameter of 2,000m and will be installed underwater at a depth of nearly 4,000m.

Open Hydro's innovations in marine turbine and renewable energy technologies have recently received several awards. In October 2011, OpenHydro defeated Ireland's Professional Engine Development Company to win the Best Renewable Energy of the Year Award in 2011. This is a new step in the field of re-engineering. Create energy using clean technology in the world.

"Companies are inventing marvels in the global industry as well as working closely with clean technology alliances in the region to create green jobs and sustainable jobs." , said Ben Taube, president of the Global Clean Technology Association (GCCA).