UFO house floating in the ocean

A future UFO home can help people navigate the ocean and see the creatures living in the ocean.

A future UFO home can help people navigate the ocean and see the creatures living in the ocean.

According to Science Alert, the Italian maker of the Jet Capsule in Italy designed a UFO or floating object that can not be moved in the ocean at a maximum speed of 6.5 km / h. House using electric propulsion, taking energy from the solar panels on the roof with an area of 40m 2.

Picture 1 of UFO house floating in the ocean

UFO house floating in the ocean. Photo: Jet Capsule.

Picture 2 of UFO house floating in the ocean

The floating part of the UFO house. Photo: Jet Capsule.

Designers Pierpaolo Lazzarini and Luca Solla furnish the home of wind and water turbines, providing additional power, enabling it to operate on cloudy days. Rainwater desalination and desalination systems provide fresh water to the user.

Surrounding the shell of a home made from solid fiberglass is a vegetable garden that supplies food to people. The most attractive features of the house are under the water including bathrooms, bedrooms, and windows to observe marine life.

According to Jet Capsule, the UFO house can not sink thanks to the i- anchor system . It is also equipped with a navigation system and a compass stabilizer, which should work well in the sea.

Update 12 December 2018



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